Children of Two Mamas

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"You're doing so good baby," Carmen smiled at Isabella as her child nursed.

She had been pretty concerned about her princess being able to eat properly due to the cord being wrapped around her neck.

Luckily her child was a strong one and seemed to be doing okay.

She was so grateful for that. Honestly if anything had happened, she would had never been able to look at herself the same again. Heck, she was still upset with herself at the fact that a cord had wrapped around her child's neck in the first place.

Panama stared at her mother nursing her baby sister. She was confused, why were her sisters so small? And did her Mama feed her like that too? Had she been in her Mama's belly too?

Due to the fact that Carmen was nursing, the only males in the room were England and France. The two men would have left as true gentlemen but Carmen demanded them to stay and spend time with their girls.

So they were holding their children and letting their daughters in the room hold the babies while keeping their eyes away from Spain.

"Mami?" Panama asked.

Spain took her eyes away from Isabella and smiled at her former youngest child. "Si bebe?"

"Did you feed me like," She pointed at her nursing baby sister, "Isabella?"

Spain shifted and turned her attention back to Amelia when she felt her child let go of her nipple. Isabella wouldn't latch back on letting her mama know that she was done.

Carmen shifted the baby and rubbed her back.

During this, she was also thinking. How could she explain this to Pamela without her daughter being hurt? To be honest, she was surprised that this was the first time she was getting that question from Panama.

She looked back at her daughter, "Well bebita, tus hermanitas are different."

She tilted her head. Different? How?

Carmen really didn't know how to stay this. She didn't want her child to feel like she was any less special to her than her younger sisters.
And to an extent, she had raised Panama from infancy. The girl wasn't a baby or anything when Spain found her but she had been physically 2 years old.

Still so small, so so young.

Carmen smiled, she would never forget that small little girl sleeping under a tree. Her mother instincts had prevented her from leaving the child. So she had sat under the tree to and put her coat over Panama.

It had soon started to rain and Carmen heard lightening. The little one had heard it too and whimpered. So Spain picked her up, carefully walking to where she was staying. The native women who came to take Panama were gently turned down by her.

She sensed that this little girl was a country.
She would take care of her. Her new daughter. Her baby girl.

"I found you when I was exploring your land mi amour," Carmen said softly, "Pero, tus hermanitas....... I carried them here," She gently rubbed her stomch a bit before she fixing her clothing.

"Oh... how did they get there?"

Yeah.... she couldn't say how yet... Too young.

She saw France give her a 'How are you going to explain this?' look.

Well Carmen knew exactly what she wanted to say.

She smiled softly, "The Lord decided I was worthy enough to have them. So he gave gifted me tus hermanitas."

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