Years Later

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Present Day, Brussels, Belgium (The description says Portugal but I changed it)

Carmen smiled as she remembered the day her youngest children came into the world.... But then frowned and started to have a pained look.

She hasn't seen her girls in centuries.

And next week was their birthday week.

The women felt something wet and then realized she was crying. She tried to wipe the tears away but only more fell.

She wanted her babies back.

Carmen started to sob, she never wanted to leave her girls. But had no choice to. It was for their safety. But damn, it hurt so much.

The bathroom door opened. And the two people quickly rushed to Spain.

Dominican Republic and Hungary hugged the woman. They both knew the reason she was crying.

To say Carmen missed her daughters was an understatement.

She was so heartbroken. In fact, after the girls were gone. She had gotten depressed and everyone knew for a fact that.

If she wasn't a nation, she would have died from heartbreak.

"Mama," DR said, trying to comfort her mother, "It's ok-"

"No," She sobbed, "I'm a terrible mother!! I let them go, I was terrible to the rest of you... I... I," She cried harder.

Everything had changed after North America was gone. After going through denial, as her way of coping, Carmen had buried herself in work.

And unintentionally neglected the rest of her children and Romano for months.

It had hurt all of them, with their baby sisters having to go and their mother not paying attention to them when they needed her during this time.

Finally, Romano and England and France, and her oldest children, (Philippines and South America) had sat her down along with their uncle, Portugal, and made her realize what she had been doing.

It didn't take long for that to happen.

Carmen had sobbed, apologized, and begged for her children and Romano to forgive her. She had almost made herself sick from crying that night.

While her kids and Romano were hurt. They had understood that she was hurting badly. And Carmen had eventually made up for the neglect by putting them first again. Her relationship with them had grown strong again.

But after that night, to keep an eye on his sister because her state and how she treated her kids for awhile. Portugal moved them in with him and his kids for a few years.

Hungary shook her head, "No, you're not a terrible mother Car. Your children know you love them. They know. You had a little moment but many parents-"

"No!!" Carmen cried, "Nothing can justify what I did!!"

DR held her shaking mother. She knew her baby sisters' birthday was right around the corner. And it was a painful time of year for everyone. She would give anything to see them again. "Mama please believe me, you're not a terrible mother. Te amo, you made up for your mistake and you didn't even know what you were doing. We love you."

Carmen started to calm down. Even if her babies forgave her for what she did. She never would. She nodded at her daughter and took a deep breath.

Hungary rubbed her friend's back. The anniversary of when North America had left and their birthday was always a painful time for their large family.

Never Should Have Let You GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora