Children of Two Worlds

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Hey guys!! Long time no see!!


It was so nice being around them again.

Prussia truly felt happy seeing his nieces once more, after so so long. It had been the longest centuries of his life. The constant wondering...

Were they okay?

Were they safe?

Were they warm? Being fed?

Was someone taking care of them?

Where were they?

And he could see it on Arthur's face, how relieved and happy the man was to have his girls come back to him. It had been such a huge hit, letting them go.

As a brother (to Arthur), he failed.

As a best friend (to France and Spain), he failed.

And even worst, as an uncle. (We all know to who) He truely failed.

Maybe, if he had taken the girls in. None of this would have happened. They still would have been safe in Europe with their family. But.... but....

Of course that was thought of...... and the way everything had been going at the time...

It truly did feel like the girls wouldn't be safe in Europe, and Carmen and Francis, and Arthur and he and Joao and Bella, and every single adult in the girls' family wanted their girls to enjoy their childhood.

Because when you became a nation, an independent/and or grown nation. Stuff got hard.

And they didn't want their babies to live through that just yet.

So it had all come down to their parents. The Big 3 in this whole thing. He had been there, you know.

He had been there in that meeting with all of North America's adult aunts and uncles and parents.

When it was decided, when the girls' parents decided what they needed to do to keep their children safe.

He had been there when Carmen looked so pained and looked like she wanted to scream, when she was pulling on her hair as she broke down.

When Portugal had taken her outside and she let out a blood curdling scream.

It had made everyone freeze and Hungary and Belgium had rushed out after her when they came too.

No one ever wanted to hear such a painful screech from her ever again.

He had been there when France just sat there with his head in his hands shaking, muttering, 'I'm committing a sin.'

After all, parents were suppose to love and take care of their children. Not give them away, not knowing when they would ever see them again.

Netherlands had truly not known what to do, he could only sit by his older brother and offer comforting words.

And he could only do the same when Arthur walked out into the hallway, saying, he had to clear his head.

The British Empire's siblings had tried comforting him, but they didn't have children. They would never be able to relate.

Never be able to relate to his pain.


Colonies had been awake and had been peering at the from the top of the stairs, they had heard Spain's terrible terrible scream, the English ones deeply concerned for their father.

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