Who's Gonna Guide?

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France stretched as he stepped back into the meeting building/hotel. It had been such a nice outing, he felt himself smiling and knew he wouldn't be able to stop for awhile.

It had been so wonderful spending time with his anges (angles) again.

He hadn't been in the building for long when some of his daughters and Dominican Republic had come rushing up to him.

¨Papa!!¨ Barbados smiled, eyes gleaming excitedly, ¨How was it?¨ They had texted some of their children that they would be leaving the building with their sisters for awhile, said why, and from there word had spread.

Dominica started to speak, ¨How were they?¨

Guyana followed her sisters' suit. ¨Did they remember anything?¨ She asked hopefully.

She wanted her sisters back.

¨Didn't your aunt and uncles tell you everything?¨ England asked, walking next to France.

 ¨We wanted to hear it from you,¨ Dominica said, ¨Plus the Caribbean just got out of a meeting, so we didn't get to talk to them, only text.¨

¨So!!¨ Dominican Republic jumped up and down, she looked at her mother and uncle (Spain and Portugal),¨Spill!! How was it? Did they remember you!?!¨

¨Well,¨ Carmen started to speak but that's when Barbados realized something. 

¨Hey. Where are they?¨

All four girls fiercely started to look around. 

Where the hell were their baby sisters? 

Did they leave already? Just when everyone had started to feel so happy with them back, just when everyone's hearts were starting to be restored.

¨O mijn God!!¨ Guyana said with wide eyes, ¨Did they leave already? Did something happen to them? They probably left by now.¨ (Guyana was speaking Dutch, she said 'Oh My God'. The Dutch had some kind of influence over her country during colonization)

¨No,¨ N.Ireland quickly told her niece, ¨Calm down. They're in their hotel. Your sisters are just very tired. They'll be back at around 2:30.¨

¨Oh.¨ All girls said at the same time. 

You can say they had been overreacting but you have to remember these were their sisters they were talking about. Their baby sisters. The little girls they used to read to at night and hold in their laps and help feed and cried over at night after they left.

So many memories had been stolen from them.

So having their sisters not here at the moment when they know they saw them before had put bad thoughts in everyone's minds.

¨Must be time zones,¨Dominican Republic said. The other three islands nodded, the Caribbean had somewhat of the same timezone as North America. (I think only eastern time, so only on North America's east coast) So they understood.

Their parent/uncle & aunt countries all nodded. They didn't really think it would be okay to tell the girls about Amelia's panic attack which made her tired too. 

¨But why do they have another hotel? They can stay here!!¨ Dominica said.

¨This is their first meeting Amada (Sweetheart: Portuguese),¨Portugal said to his niece by extension (Because of Dominican Republic). ¨They didn't know.¨

¨Just like how they don't know their way around the building,¨ Spain said, ¨Inglaterra is going to print out schedules of the meetings and maps of the building for your hermanitas but we also think it will be good if someone also gives them a tour of the buildi-¨

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