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North America stepped inside the meeting building. Time for another day of meetings.

They still had a good amount of time before their meetings. There wasn't much today.

A G7, OPANAL, a Commonwealth meeting.. wasn't a lot.

What were they gonna do?

"Morning girls!!" The girls heard an Australian accent.

Australia and New Zealand were here.

Amelia gave him a polite smile, "Good morning Jett, how are you?"

He smiled back at his sister, "Just fine, are you gals feeling alright? Dad postponed the Commonwealth meeting since something came up for you."

Madeleine nodded, "We're fine, thanks for asking."

"I can't wait for you to join," Jett said to Madeleine and Amelia, "We have a lot of fun there!"

New Zealand rolled his eyes, "It's a meeting Jett! You should be paying attention! Not lighting fireworks and messing with the sprinklers!!"

"You guys do that in a meeting?" Maria asked, "England allows that? He seems like someone who doesn't go against the rules."

It was pretty ironic to Australia and New Zealand for their baby sister to think that. Especially when their father had become a fugitive for these girls.

Jett snickered, "I mean..... yeah. He is like that....."

"But there are certain family members who like to play around a lot and mess everything up. Dad actually added 30 minutes into meetings in like 2013 so he could scold everyone who acted out. Since almost all of us are family, some don't act professional." New Zealand explained.

"Wow," Diega spoke, "Sounds chaotic."

Like their house a lot of the time.

"It is," Jett smiled, "But we love it."

"You'll behave though today, won't you Jett?" New Zealand asked. England wanted everyone to be on their best behavior since Canada and America would be joining them.

"Let's see."

New Zealand rolled his eyes, "Right. He looked back at North America, "Are you guys heading to the cafeteria?... well, if you haven't eaten."

They shook their heads. "We already surprisingly ate. Now we're just trying to figure out what to do in the next two hours," Maria said.

"What do you mean surprisingly ate?" New Zealand, "I don't mean to pry-"

"It's fine," Amelia smiled, "Basically,  we have terrible eating schedules. So... yeah. If we get too stressed we forget to eat.... or sometimes we just don't since we're busy.... Or sometimes we just don't."

There had been many times when they were younger and had gone hungry so their younger siblings had enough food to eat.

Maria and Diega had done that alot.

"That is not healthy," Another voice said.

Oh. India was here.

"India, right?" Diega asked.

He smiled and gave his sister a respectful nod, "I must admit though I haven't eaten either, I'm fasting."

"Oh wow," Diega said, "Is it hard? I've never tried it."

"You could say it is at first. But as you keep trying and going on, it's fine," He replied, "As I was saying before, try not to skip eating. Unless you're fasting or something of course."

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