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"We need to do something," Hungary whispered to Belgium. Who, of course, nodded.

The two looked at Spain.

She was sitting on a couch, arms protectively wrapped around her stomach, Chile was trying to tell his mama something but she was half listening and half staring at a nearby maid, with distrust.

The paranoia was still there.

And it would only increase with each day.

Sometimes she would have abdominal pains.

News of that had put the fathers of her children on edge.

But it was so hard trying to calm her down.

Joáo had sworn to his sister on his life that all his staff were extremely trustworthy. And that he would trust his them with his children.

And Spain knew she should agree with her brother and be comforted by his words. But she just couldn't.

What if this puta one day kidnapped her newborn babies? What if she was secretly working for the Spanish Crown? And was reporting to the monarchy?

Well.... if this woman was working for the Crown, she would most likely be Spanish.. So Carmen would be able to sense her.... So there was no way that this woman was doing anything against her-

But still though!!

Carmen growled as she watched the maid. Chile looked up at his mother and then turned and looked at his brother, Ecuador.

The two stared at each other before Chile got off the couch and sat on the ground. Ecuador followed. Spain snapped out of her growing anger and paranoia and looked down to see what her boys were doing. "Mijos-"

The two started to massage their mama's feet.

Argentina looked at Spain from where he stood, "Tio said to do that cuando te abrumas," (When you get overwhelmed)

Oh... her brother said that? That was so sweet. He had told he had done the same for their mama, Iberia.

She was so amazing, putting up with Rome... She still wondered to this day how her madre did it.

Romulus had made it clear that he had no respect for her.

But anyway... she smiled at her sons.
"Todos ustedes son tan buenos con su mami." (You all are so good to your mommy.)

They had all been so helpful and considerate to her during this scary time.

Colombia skipped to the couch, getting on it, she laid her head on her mother's stomach. "Mami, podemos ir a la playa?" (Can we go on the beach?)

"Umm...." Carmen looked out the windows that showed the beautiful tropical paradise.

But she didn't know....

What if-

And just like that the paranoia was coming back.

And damn, Joáo wasn't here to calm his sister down, he had went to check in with his monarchy. He would be back later tonight.

Spain felt her heart pacing, she could swear that there was someone in this house who was plotting against her. Maybe they were followed her, maybe.

She clutched her stomach and winced.

"Tia?" Macau asked concerned.

And that's when England and France were up.

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