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Spain looked at her brother, who was taking notes, she was internally debating with herself on whether to poke him or not.

You know, just to mess with him.

Cause she was pretty bored.

This meeting was pretty boring.

Extremely boring.

Deciding to go with temptation, Spain poked her brother in the arm.

Once.... Twice..... Thrice.....

Yeah.... no response.

She rolled her eyes, he was no fun.

Joáo on the other hand, was feeling everything. But at this point in his life, he had mastered how to and when to ignore his sister.

She just wanted attention right now because she was bored. That's all.

But not now, he was taking notes of everything going on. Unlike Carmen, who relied on her memory for everything. It was kinda amazing.

She had stopped paying attention after Mahalia (Philippines) left the podium. And started zoning out. But even with that, she was still absorbing information and he had seen his sister recall information from events where she had been barely paying attention.

You know what, maybe he should turn around to look at her. And be a good big brother and listen to whatever she had to say.

Especially since she was going through much right now. With the bebitas coming back and all.

Joáo looked at his sister but soon both of their attention was taken away by Turkey, who had went up to the podium.

Turkey was always loud and that wasn't the problem. But what he had said was.

"So are we not going to talk about North America!?!"

As soon as Carmen had heard that, she immediately snapped her head towards him.



What did was he talking about? Why was he wondering about her babies?

"What is he going on about?" Ireland whispered to Arthur.

"I don't know," The Brit clenched his fist, his eyes narrowing. "But he better be careful with what he says," He almost growled.

France crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair. He took a breath. He didn't know what was about to be said. But was whatever was, better be respectful towards his girls.

He saw Carmen and Joáo give each other questioning looks and Carmen started to speak.

"What do you want to know about them?" She had asked.

Honestly, Spain had just blurted it out. It had just came out.

She wanted to know what he was talking about.

Liechtenstein nervously looked around at the other countries of Europe and Asia. The ones who didn't know about her nieces.

Well- they biologically were her nieces, but since they were around the same age. Everyone had called them sisters. The same with the Italies, they were the girls' uncles technically since they were Spain and France's younger brothers. But due to physical age at the time when the girls were born, they were seen as siblings to the four.

Anyway, she was pretty nervous. She didn't think she wanted to hear what everyone thought.

Countries could be pretty blunt at times.

Never Should Have Let You GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora