Let's Go

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Diega didn't want to feel right now. She was so tired.

She was so hurt.

She was so confused.

Part of her wanted to die, but she couldn't. She had baby sisters and baby brothers who still needed her. (She's talking about her sisters and their province/state/city siblings)

And she couldn't leave them. She wouldn't leave them.

That would just be too selfish of her.

And besides, she loved her siblings way to much to leave them like that.

Diega closed her eyes, she was so tired.

Mentally, emotionally.

She felt one of her sisters wrap their arms around her. She could sense it was Madeleine. Diega put her head on her sister's chest and sighed.

Canada kissed her cheek. "Relax D. Just relax."

"You know I can't do that bebita." Her sister responded gently. She opened her eyes and was about to get up and her sister knew it.

"For me?" Madeleine asked softly.

Diega sighed, but nodded. Whatever made her babies happy. She closed her eyes once more and tried to relax in Madeleine's arms.

She just wanted to be healed. Mentally, emotionally.

She was just so tired.

Kuma climbed up onto the bed and nuzzled Diega's cheek.

He really felt bad for the girls. They were still very young, and yet... They always had to go through something rough.

Maria put her hair up in a ponytail. What the hell was happening today!?!

Everything just felt like a mess. She looked at Amelia who looked so worried. She still was still quiet.


Amelia looked up at her big sister.

'I'm fine', she mouthed.

Maria just hugged her. Amelia didn't start to cry or anything, she just sighed.

"We won't let anything happen to you." She kissed Amelia's cheek. "You know that."

Amelia nodded. "Yeah," She said shakily. She finally spoke.

Her sisters felt a bit of relief. Their baby sister was at least communicating with them finally.

Madeleine's eye caught onto something... She gasped, almost smiling.

The complimentary wine.

They could go for some of that to let go of their troubles right now.

"Do you guys in the mood for some wine right now?"

Her sisters thought about it. It had been awhile since they had any wine. Back when they were younger they had drank it a bit to deal with pain and and since plain water had been making many people sick.

(Germs had not been discovered yet)

They drank after 1812 to forget the burning pains and mental trama, after 9/11, after WW2. And Amelia especially during the Cold War and Revolutionary. Cause sometimes you just needed to forget.

You know?

It wasn't very often they did this. They didn't want their younger siblings to see them constantly drinking. No, it was just after a rough time or during a celebration.

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