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Playlist: I hate you, I love you by gnash ft Olivia O'Brien.

Chapter thirtyone: my baby.


I grabbed a nearby glass and hit it through his head. "Fuck!" He screamed.

A gun fell out his pocket and I quickly pick it up. And dashed through the doors to see two guys standing there, just as they saw me they were ready to attack.

"I swear to Allah Wallahi I'll shoot you if you come any where near me!" I yelled pointing the gun at them.

They raised both their hands in surrender and move out of my way. I ran outside of the abandoned house and ran away to the streets throwing the gun on the way.

I felt a pain on my stomach and when I looked down I saw blood dripping.

I panicked and blinked back the tears that threatened of fall. I heard a horn and I looked up to see a familiar car and I was relieved.

It was Ya Saleem's car. I thanked God as he came out with Khalil and Sultan.

"Leeyah!" Khalil yelled and picked me up.

"Please help, my baby." I said holding my stomach.


"Aleeyah you should just relax okay." Mom said and I just sighed and just went upstairs.

I went into my room and sat on the bed trying not to think about it. After I lost my precious baby that evening during the accident nothing has been the same.

I sighed and lay in my side facing the wall. At first mom thought that I intentionally aborted my baby so she was mad at me.

To be honest I wasn't in the mood to fight with my mother or anything so everyday I just stay in my room, use my phone to keep me company and nothing else.

I was mad at me, everyone and most especially Khalil and that obsessive bitch he keeps in his house. The fact that I had to see her face everyday for two months which resulted in me beating the crap out of her then later finding out she was pregnant with Khalil's baby.

Wow my marriage life is the best!


From finding out she was pregnant I decided to come home but I've had different episodes of heart attack, trying to cut myself with razor just to kill myself so my pathetic life would be over.

But good thing Ya Saleem's saw me if not I would've opened an expensive plane to hell.

I beg him not to tell mummy so he gave me a small talk and bought this nice and relaxing penthouse for me.

And lastly, today me and mom talked and made up, had ice cream and the rest. Now that she's gone in hope alone.

I was now in the tub having a bubble bath thinking. Today was the deadline. Me and Khalil where going to have a talk and it was my decision to see whether I'd me married or not.

And if I demanded an annulment he is to give it to me whether he likes it or not.


I know it's a stupid chapter to be honest. So you can come.ment your thoughts about it. I know, I'm terrible.

So? Do you want her to divorce him or not?

Today's shoutout goes to meenarhhhh for voting. Thanks!

Comment down below, I'd be checking and replying.

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