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Chapter fourth three: Maybe infected?


Finally class was over, I was supposed to finish ten minutes ago but the lecturer just had to use extra time.

I was so exhausted because it was already six and it was getting dark.

I tried calling someone but my phone died so right now I'm stranded. How I'm I going to book an Uber to get home now?

I guess I just have to walk maybe I could find a taxi one the way or a keke na pep even thought I have never entered those before.

I started to walk when I heard my name.

"Aleeyah." I heard and I turn around to find Safarah.

I gasped as she stood there staring at me. "Oh." Was all I said as we stared at each other.

"I'm sorry I startled you but I just came to talk to you for a second. Can you spare me some minutes to talk?" She asked.

"But I'm sorry I have to get-"

"Please." She said and I just sigh.


"So I've been meaning to tell you this. You need to go to the hospital to check yourself out as fast as you can please." She days and I become confused.

"Why do I need to. I'm perfectly fine." I say.

"No you don't understand. Didn't Khalil tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"That he is infected with HIV." She said and it was no shock to me.

"Yes he told me." I said my voice breaking. "Why?"

"Because you, Fateema and I may be infected. We might have HIV because Khalil was with all of us." She said.


This is my main reason of deleting this book because nobody comments. The highest comment I have ever gotten in this book is 16 only for a chapter with like a hundred reads🤦🏻‍♀️

And for the last few chapters it's either 0 or 2 comments I get.

Please guys the least you can do to encourage someone is to comment because all my readers are silent.

Even the votes I only get like what? 5 or 1 for a chapter. This book isn't going anywhere without readers motivating me to keep on writing.

I swear I am ready to delete this book because I don't get supported or encouraged because no one reads or vote and it makes me feel like nothing one likes this book.

If you don't like it please tell me because I am ready to delete this book from Wattpad and only leave my first book ASAD.

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