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Chapter thirteen: Paris/drugs.

If you haven't read ASAD check it out now, its completed.


I sat down silently on my bed just staring at the wall. Today is the day Khalil and Fateema supposed to leave for their honeymoon to Paris.

Aunt Inbihaj was going to offer to buy another ticket for me since Khalil said he rather take Fateema but I told her to forget about it.

Because what's the point on going since he'll just give all his bloody attention to her and forget about me, it's all just going to be useless.

The most annoying part is when Fateema keeps coming into my room to rub it on my face that she's travelling with Khalil.

I stood up and quietly went to the balcony and they were standing outside all ready to go, Fateema was dressed in a straight gown and black sunglasses while Khalil was well, dressed in casuals.

I saw them enter the car and drove off to the airport.


"Honey I can't wait to go to Paris ever since I was a..." I tuned out Fateema's voice as she started talking.

She's been talking a lot and it really started to annoy me. Now I'm beginning to think this honeymoon was a bad idea but what can I do now, its too late.

Suddenly my mind drifted of to Aleeyah. I wonder what she was doing at home. Maybe I thought wrong, when she was hugging that guy that doesn't mean she cheated on me right?

It might be her brother or cousin. I never stopped feeling bad for doing what I did that day. But sometimes I feel she deserved it if she really cheated on me.

But what if she didn't?

"...so how about you?"

"Huh?" I said and she suddenly snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Khalil are you even listening to me at all?" She asked.

"Can you lower your voice? My head hurts." I said.

"You're thinking about her right?" She asked.

"About who?"

"Don't play dumb with me Khalil, you know who I'm talking about."

"Can you just shut up!"

"No I won't Khalil tell me what you're thinking about."

"Can you just f' drop it!" I yelled at her and she suddenly kept quiet.

We reached the airport and it was time to go...


We just dropped in Paris and I was so damn tired with all the stress. We arrived at the hotel I booked for us and when we went in it was all neat.

We were both tired so we immediately went straight to bed.

Two days has passed since we went to Paris and to be honest it was just to damn boring. All I kept thinking about was Aleeyah.

I tried using Fateema to get my mind of her but it was not even working. And again when I just keep thinking of Leeyah my head hurts.

I yawned as I woke up to see Fateema by the dresser. She looked at me and smiled.

"Babe are you hungry?" She asked.

"No." I lied even if I was starving.

My stomach growled and she turned. "You can't stay with an empty stomach forever. I'll go prepare tea for you." She said and went out.

Why is she suddenly nice to me? Two days ago it was as if we wanted to rip my head off because I yelled at her.

I just shrugged that thought out of my mind and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I came out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to see Fateema pouring some white stuff out of a leather and into my tea.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she flinched and the thing she was holding fell to the ground. I walked up to it and she covered it with her legs. "Move your leg." I demanded. "Now!" I snapped. "What is this?" I asked as she was shaking. "I swear to God Fateema if you don't talk you won't like what I'll do to you."

Suddenly she dropped on her knees. "I swear I didn't mean to. I wasn't thinking correctly."

"What is this?" I asked and she became mute. "Damn you Fateema I'm talking to you!" I yelled.

"They are drugs, a drug that would only make you have eyes for me and hate her. I've been slipping it everyday into your tea. I'm sorry please forgive me Khalil!" She pleaded.

It took me all the time to realise what I'd done, I hurt Aleeyah and I didn't even realise it.

"Where did you get this from?" I asked trying to be calm.

"From..." She started but stopped. "A woman. I went to her place and told her I need some drugs to make you only have one eye for one woman. The drug wears up sometime so I keep adding more to your morning tea. I'm sorry."

"You're a mad woman." I said and went upstairs.

"Khalil what are you doing?" She asked and followed behind me.

"I'm leaving."

"But w-we just got here."

"I don't care. I'm booking a flight now and I'm leaving tomorrow." I said.

"No Khalil please you can't-" before she could finish I slammed the door at her face. My phone started ringing and Muktars name flashing on the screen.

I ignored it and threw my phone across the bed.

My ringing tone came on again and I answered it putting the phone behind my ear. "What the fuck is so important that you're calling right now!" I snapped.

"Calm down dude its important. Its about Aleeyah." He said and I shot up from the bed.

"What about Aleeyah!" I panicked.

"She's gonna leave Khalil."

Other books;
Fatal Deception.

Instagram: jiddarh_writes
Snapchat: yas_meen940

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