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Chapter three: Khalil.

Khalils picture up there👆👆👆

As Leeyah entered the hospital room where my mother was, they exchanged pleasantries and she sat down on a chair scrolling through her Instagram as Mummy and Inbihaj started and conversation.

She was so focused on IG that she didn't notice a handsome 6'2 tall 23 year old with silky ink black hair come in.

He exchanged pleasantries with his mother and Mummy and he stared at Aleeyah for a second but she didn't notice him

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He exchanged pleasantries with his mother and Mummy and he stared at Aleeyah for a second but she didn't notice him.

"Okay thanks Khalil. Can you help me with the basket of food downstairs?" She asked.

"Okay." He said.

"Here's my keys." She said handing him her keys to her Mercedes Benz.

"But I don't know your car."

"That's not a problem Leeyah can show you my car." She said and they all turn to Leeyah who was typing away on her IPhone 7+ "Leeyah." Her mother called but no answer. "Leeyah!" She yelled causing her to almost stumble and fall from the chair.

"Yes Mummy?" She finally answered.

"Please can you show Khalil to my car." She said.

She wanted to kindly say no but she gave her that look that she didn't dare say a word. "Okay." She said and they left the hospital room.

Through the long walk she didn't say a word and didn't even spare a glacé at him. She only spoke when they reached and Ash Mercedes. "That's the car." She said pointing at it. She was using her phone as an excuse not to talk to him but the bad thing was that her phone died.

She already knew her mother's plan, to hook her up with Ibrahim Khalil Ahmad

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She already knew her mother's plan, to hook her up with Ibrahim Khalil Ahmad.

They walk up the stairs and a kid left a small tennis ball there and she slipped but the good news was that he caught her but the bad news was that the food went rolling down the stairs.

"Oh crud the food!" She said worrying about the food and forgot that she almost fell.

"Forget about the food. You almost fell down the stairs." He said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine thank you." She said, as she noticed his hands on her waist and she quickly removed his hands.

He already noticed her expression that she doesn't like him. 'Maybe this marriage was a bad idea.' He thought.

She was walking with her best friend Hauwa talking about different kinds of stuffs until a black BMW stopped in front of them.

"Who's that?" Hauwa asked.

"I dunno." She replied trying to see who was in the car but she couldn't because the glass was tinted. "Let's just go." Leeyah said and they passed around the car.

They kept on walking but the same BMW stopped them again.  "Hey what's wrong with y-" She stopped as she saw who came out of the car.

Other books;
Fatal Deception.

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