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Chapter fifty: Baby/Him.


"What are we gonna do?" Fateema asks.

"You both have to give birth to the baby." Safarah says screaming in pain.

"What!" Me and Fateema both yell.

I don't know how I'm gonna help give birth to a baby because I have never done this before and I never thought I would.

"But what if something bad..." I didn't want to complete the sentence as tears blurred my vision.

Safarah put her hands on both me and Fateema. "It's okay girls, just pray to Allah but if something bad happens to me one of you will help me take care of my kids-"

"Safarah..." Fateema starts.

"Let me finish. I have been having nightmares and had a feeling I wasn't going to complete my life. I just want to say that you girls are brave and I thank Allah and InshaAllah we will guide you both to paradise." She says and screams in pain. "I'll start pushing my baby out now."

"Fateema please look for help while I help her. I will do everything I can to save you Safarah I promise." I say.

She starts to push and we've been staying here for almost an hour and no baby yet. Fateema is also not back.

Finally Safarah pushes harder. "I can see the head." I say. "Push harder."

Allahamdulillah. "Safarah it's a baby boy." I say and she smiles in joy. "Oh no another ones coming." I say and dropped the baby in a wrapper.

Safarah kept pushing until she just stops and I look at her in confusion.

She starts making a prayer before she stops moving and I start crying. "Safarah?" I called but there was no answer and I start crying even more.

"Innalillahi." I say covering my mouth.

"Aleeyah I found help." Fateema yells coming out of a car running over to us in the bush.

I pick the baby who has been crying non stop in my arms as blood was all over me.

"Aleeyah..." She starts and I just shake my head.

"She didn't even make it to give birth to the second baby." I say crying my eyes out.

I look at the cute little baby in my arms. "Sahib." I say looking at Fateema and Safarah. "Safarah loved that name."

"Please do you have a phone?" I ask the taxi driver who was scared and concerned.

He handed a small Nokia touch light to me. I start to dial a number when a car pull up in front of us which startled us.

The he came out of the car and my breathing starts becoming heavy.

"Nice to see you again my sweet." He says.

"A-Amir." I stutter.

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