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Chapter forty nine: it's coming.


"Why are you doing this?" I ask him as I say in front of him.

"What else? Because like I said I love you." He says eating a piece of meat from his plate. I haven't even touched a single dent on my plate.

"This is not love. It's obsession and madness." I say looking at both Safarah and Fateema.

We were all seated on a dining table eating, it was Khalil, Aunty Inbihaj, Fateema, Safarah and I.

He stares at me for a second and then starts laughing like a mad man then immediately frowns. "I gave all three of you my love with all my heart!" He snaps slamming his hand on the table. "And what did all of you do! You all left me alone!"

"And I'm wondering who's at fault." Fateema mumbles under her breath and Khalil didn't even hear.

"I loved all of you so much! Especially you Aleeyah and what did you do! You left me there alone when I begged for your forgiveness!" He says.

"Don't you even dare turn the tables here Ibrahim!" I snap back using his full name. "I forgave you for all you did to me. You cheated on me for about five times and I let you be! You even kept a wife and a child as a secret away from me and you expected me to be with you!"

I saw anger flash in his eyes and I knew my plan is working.

"You should have just forgiven me like how you normally do. Our love was growing stronger!" He snap.

"Did you even love me. You just love women Khalil because someone like you don't love. You just used me! The man I saw in you isn't the same man I'm looking at now!" I yell.

He keeps quiet for a moment. He suddenly screams throwing the whole contents on the table onto the floor.

"You should have just put your anger on something's else instead of the food." Safarah says throwing her hands up in the air.

"Damn you all! Because of you I lost everything!" He says looking at me.

Is this the man I loved with all my heart? "Our child died because of you." He day and that's when my head snapped up.

That was it! I slapped him right across his face. "Don't you ever mention my late baby again." I say as tears fell freely from my eyes.

"A-Aleeyah I'm sorry." He says. "We can always make another baby. Come on, let's go now."

He starts to drag me to a room. "Let me go!" I yell trying to take my hand away from him but he was too strong.

Then everything suddenly happened when a glass smashed on his head. I look up to see Aunty Inbihaj.

"You girls should run as fast as you can." She says.

"But how about you?" I ask her.

"Just go I will catch up to you. I can't leave my son here." She says and we all start to go holding Safarah closely because she's pregnant.

"Ahh." Safarah screams. "I can't go on anymore."

It was night time and I could hardly see anything. "Safarah please just try we are almost there." Fateema begs.

"I can't! My water just broke!"



Okay guys so this is the end of the book and it's where I stop. You can imagine the rest and I'm sorry it's a cliff hanger but you just have to deal with the story line because this is how I planned it.

I knew that if I do it on April 1st it will be suspicious😂
Well I'd be updating sometime soon.

This book is taking longer than ever and I just want to be done with it🙄

Anyhow, happy Ramadan🤗

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