Ask Them Out

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Not everybody liked overly smart freshmen. Sam Winchester figured that out pretty quick. 

He also figured out that when you correct a senior in your Calculus class, that senior gets pretty pissed at you, and forms a rapidly quick plot with his friends on how to get back at you.

But shoving someone inside of a locker is pretty much impossible, especially when that someone is as tall and awkward as Sam Winchester, so the seniors settled for Plan B.

Plan B was pulling his pants down and shoving him into the girls bathroom. A classic.

Ha ha. So funny. He'd have to compliment the seniors on their amazing sense of humor the next time he saw them.

So that was how Sam found himself sprawled out on the bathroom floor, redder than a stop sign, with his jeans around his ankles and four high school girls gaping down at him.

One girl screamed and ran out of the room, yelling about perverts and such.

The second burst out laughing and ran after the first one, yelling at her to calm down.

And the last two girls, one with brown hair, one with red, kept standing there, heads slightly tilted as they stared at him. Then the brown haired girl gasped.

"Oh my dad, you're SAM WINCHESTER, Aren't you?!?" She screeched, running over and helping him up. Sam fumbled with his pants, now three times as embarrassed because why the hell does bathroom girl know his name, shit.

"Uh, yes?" He admitted, and the girl flailed her arms wildly.

"Oh my gosh, no wonder Gabriel was ranting about you!" She insisted.

"Hannah!" The red headed girl hissed, her eyes going wide.

"Shush, like he hasn't made a move already," Hannah grinned and then held out a hand. "I'm Hannah Novak. You have Spanish class with my brother, and I think we have gym together but I usually skip gym so that's probably why you haven't noticed me before." Sam shook her hand.

"Gabriel's your brother?" He questioned. Well, that already explained a lot.

"Well, one of them at least. I've got like a bajillion brothers, right Charlie?" The redhead nodded.

"Too many," She insisted. "Trying to get into the bathroom is a nightmare."

"Why do you think we've taken over one at school?" Hannah asked, rolling her eyes. "Anyways! It's nice to officially meet you, Sam. Do you like Lawrence so far?"

"Uh, yeah," He admitted. "I mean, I used to live in Lebanon, so we'd visit here sometimes since it's not too far, but the people are nicer here."

"So true- do you like bets?" 


"Do you want to wager something with me?"

"Depends on what we're wagering."

"We have gym later, and Coach ALWAYS makes us run laps, so I'll make a bet with you. If you can outrun me, I'll answer any question you want, but if I outrun you, you have to ask a question to anyone I want. Deal?" Sam frowned.

"Somehow this feels like I'm being set up for something."

"That's cause you are," Hannah grinned. "But it's nothing too terrible, I promise." Sam narrowed his eyes. "Swear it on Satan himself, I promise!"

"You can trust her," Charlie insisted. "Out of the whole Novak clan, Hannah is definitely one of the most innocent."

"Alright," Sam agreed. "But I don't think this is gonna be much of a fair fight. You said it yourself, you usually skip gym, and I ran track in middle school." Hannah smiled.

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