Study Date

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Gabriel sat in an EXTREMELY uncomfortable chair at the library, his arms crossed defiantly, his homework abandoned on the table in front of him. 

On the opposite side of the table sat Sam Winchester, his soulmate, even if Sam had no idea yet. Sam was sitting comfortably in a similar chair, bent over his homework and oblivious to Gabriel's growing annoyance.

Gabriel let out a long sigh. This wasn't what a study date was supposed to be. He was supposed to be pressed against the stacks right now, lip locked with the fine young moose before him. He was supposed to have to come up with a lame excuse in class as to why he didn't do his homework and make a witty, sly remark when Sam did the same. Or, in Gabriel's preferred fantasy, he should've been making out with Sam in the moose's bedroom, books completely discarded on the floor because Sam only had one sibling, so there was a hell of a lot more privacy then there was in the Novak house.

But Sam had wanted to meet at the library, so Gabriel had accepted the stacks fantasy, only to be disappointed when Sam actually opened his textbooks and did, of all things, his HOMEWORK.


Gabriel continued to stare at the moose, imagining that this is what straight girls felt like when they went on a date with a gay guy.

Well Gabriel didn't feel like being some hot and bothered cheerleader, no thank you. Not when Cas had gone on a date with Dean Winchester and had a grand old time, not to mention a follow up date next weekend. Gabriel was a year older than his brother, and that meant that he was supposed to get a boyfriend first! That was how it had always worked in every family since the beginning of time. Lucifer got Chloe, Michael didn't wanna date, Anna had a new boyfriend every five minutes, and Balthazar was Balthazar. Now it was Gabriel's turn, and he wasn't going to let Cassie get ahead of him. Cas might have beaten him to the first date stage and forced him to clean the entire house as a punishment, but Gabriel was determined to beat him to the boyfriend stage if it was the last thing he did.

There was just one problem with that.

Sam Winchester was a clueless mofo.

"Are you just going to sit there and glare at the world or are you actually going to do the homework we came here for?" Sam asked, glancing up from his textbooks for the first time in what felt like hours. Gabriel stared at him.

"No, I'm actually in a silent protest over homework, as I believe it to be cruel and unusual punishment and therefore against my rights as an American."

"Just because homework was originally invented as a punishment doesn't mean it's cruel and unusual, however, I would be happy to fight that court case with you once I graduate from Law School." Gabriel raised his eyebrows.

"You want to go to Law School?"


"No wonder you're such a nerd then." Sam rolled his eyes.

"I'm not nerd. I just skipped a couple grades because I'm smart." 

"So how old are you, exactly?"

"15. How old are you?"


"Oh cool, so's my brother."

"Yeah...." Gabriel continued to stare. "You know I'm actually amazed you're doing homework. Like seriously, how dare you." Sam raised an eyebrow.

"How dare I do homework?"


"In the library?"

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