Dad's Night Out

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It had been a very, very long time since Chuck had gone out for a night with friends and no kids. He couldn't honestly remember the last time he had, although it had probably been before he and Naomi had gotten married.

But there was no real reason why he couldn't go out, especially now, since his kids were old enough to be trusted to stay home by themselves. Well, trusted wasn't the right word- they were old enough to survive if left home alone for a few hours. Well-

Well Chloe was at the house, so she could look after everyone and make sure nobody died. There, that could put Chuck at ease.

Mary Winchester, of all people, had asked him to hang out. Apparently Ellen Harvelle wasn't happy that her old friend had been in town for so long without them properly going out and drinking together, so that's where it had started, and Ellen had invited Bobby, Mary had invited Chuck, and Chuck always brought Amara to situations where he didn't know what to expect, so thus formed their little drinking group.

So while Chuck's kids stayed home doing god knows what (Currently Lucifer and Chloe were answering letters from the Satanic Church, Michael was doing homework, Balthazar was using Hannah as a living mannequin while he altered a dress, Anna was at a party, and Charlie, Cas, Gabriel, Jo, and Sam and Dean were over at the Winchester's house having a giant, brutal Mario Kart tournament), Chuck and Amara headed out to Rocky's Bar.

"Chuck! Over here!" Mary called as they wandered in, the rest of the crew already gathered and one drink in.

"Hi all," Chuck offered.

"Great, everyone's here," Ellen insisted, waving a waiter over. "Now we can do shots."

"ELLEN!" Mary objected.

"Ooooohhhh YES," Amara agreed. "I already love you."

"Some of us have to work tomorrow," Bobby reminded her.

"Please, Bobby, like you've never gone to work with a hangover before," Ellen said, swatting at him. "I remember, our senior year you got so plastered right before Midterms that you decided to just keep drinking in order to put off the hangover, and you ended up ripping your exam in half and swearing at the teacher." 

"I really should stop talking to people who know all my embarrassing stories," Bobby muttered. He turned to Chuck and Amara. "But I haven't met you two yet, what's your story?" Chuck held out a hand and Bobby shook it.

"Chuck Novak. Writer. Generally crazy person. This is my sister Amara, who has more braincells and less sanity than me."

"You got that right," Amara said.

"Novak?" Bobby echoed. "Wait, are you Castiel's father?"

"The one and only." Chuck said proudly.

"Dean never shuts up about your boy," Mary nodded.

"You can say that again," She said. "Every day Sam and Dean come home from school and all I hear is what the Novak kids are up to. I'm sure they exaggerate some of it, but still."

"The scary thing is I doubt they're exaggerating," Chuck said. "If you knew half the things my kids have done over the years, you'd put your own up for adoption just in case."

"Your kids are the reason I'm never getting married," Amara insisted.

"I don't blame you."

"How many kids do you have in that house of yours, Chuck?" Ellen asked. "Cause I'm pretty sure my daughter is dating one of them."

"Eight teenagers- who's your daughter with?"


"Yep, she's one of mine!" Chuck admitted. "Well, actually she's the only one that isn't my kid, but since she and Cas were so close, I adopted her after her parents died, so I'm technically legally responsible for her."

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