Adopted Novaks and Vegas Vic

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Charlie cornered Dean at school the next day. 

Like actually shoved him into a corner of the classroom as everyone else filed into class. Cas walked in, noticed the situation and Dean's visible concern, and sat down and started reading a book.

"Some protective boyfriend," Dean muttered.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" Charlie demanded.

"Uh, nothing?" He said.

"What about your brother?"

"Sam? He never has plans."


"Well except when he goes to the library with Gabriel, but that's not tomorrow."

"Good, cause now you both have plans."

"With you?"


"But we like never talk."

"And seeing as we're both best friend with each other's significant others, that should change. So you and Sam have to come over at 1 tomorrow, understood?" 

"You know most people ASK if someone wants to come over-" Charlie gave him a deadpan look.

"Just come over."

"Okaaaay...." And just like that, Charlie left. Dean sunk into his seat and gave Cas a weird look.

"What?" Cas asked.

"So much for backup. She could've killed me if she wanted too."

"She wasn't gonna kill you, Charlie's not that murderous."

"Could've fooled me," Dean muttered. "Do you know why Sam and I are being forced to come over tomorrow?" 

"Yep!" Cas grinned.

"...You're not gonna tell me, are you?"

"Of course not."

"How dare you."

"It's for Charlie to know and you to find out."

"But you know what it is, can't you at least give me a heads up?"


"...This isn't going to be another weird thing like when your siblings kidnapped me, right?" Cas paused.

"I'm sorry, when my siblings did WHAT NOW?"


So the next day, at 1, Sam and Dean knocked on the Novak's door. Charlie flung it open and ushered them inside.

"Awesome, everyone's here!"  She declared. Chloe waved from the couch, snacking on popcorn, one of the many snacks laid out on the coffee table.

"What is all this?" Sam asked. Charlie crash landed on one of the other couches and gestured dramatically.

"Welcome to the Adopted Novak Party!" She announced. Sam and Dean stared at her.

"....The what?" Sam asked.

"The Novaks have a habit of adding people to their family," Chloe explained. "And so Charlie started holding an annual party for all of us 'found members' to celebrate."

"We've been doing this for years," Charlie insisted. "Right Chastity?" The stripper wandered into the room with a cocktail and nodded.

"I'm still not sure why I get an invite," She insisted. "But it's true."

"Congrats on being the newest members," Chloe said. "It's quite an honor to be included."

"So what does one do at an Adopted Novak party?" Dean asked.

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