First Dates

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Castiel's siblings, except for Gabriel, since he was still salty, were extremely excited that their brother was going on a date.

"Where are you going?" Michael questioned, lounging on Castiel's bed as Hannah and Balthazar tore through their brother's closet, and Anna messed with Cas's hair.

"Just out to the movies," Castiel shrugged. "I figured I'd take him to Harvelle's afterward."

"Awwww," Hannah squealed. "I ship it!"

"Just remember, Cassie," Lucifer insisted. "If at any point, he starts being a dick or you just want to bail, shoot me a text. I'll be there to take you home and rip him apart if needed."

"I don't think that'll be necessary," Cas replied.

"No, take the offer," Anna said. "It's gotten me out of three horrible dates so far, and it's worth it."

"And if you two fall in love and get married, then you'll have me to thank!" Gabriel proclaimed, waltzing into the room and flopping down on Cas's bed, despite the fact that Michael was already laying there.

"If you say so," Castiel smiled. He was excited. Nervous, of course, because he had never been on a date before, but Dean seemed so nice. It was bound to be a fun night.

Hannah and Balthazar selected a date appropriate outfit- Hannah's words, not his- of a pair of black jeans and a white button down. Anna slicked his hair in a style she deemed 'sex hair', and Chuck just grinned at his son and told him to be home by 11.

And as a old black Chevy rumbled up to the front of the house, Cas darted outside to meet it.

"Hey," Dean grinned. 


"Hop in," Castiel eagerly climbed in the car, trying not to blush at the feeling. He was on a date. With DEAN WINCHESTER, no less. What were the odds of that?

Dean reached for the radio and promptly paused.

"Um, how do you feel about classic rock?" He asked tentatively, not wanting to blast the music if Cas hated it.

But then again, if Cas hated classic rock, then there was a decent chance this date would be over before it even began.

"What band we talking?" Cas questioned. Lucifer had blasted heavy metal on a daily basis until Michael convinced him to dial things back to classic rock. Most of it was good, although there were a few bands that still made everyone in the Novak house slam their hands over their ears.

"AC/DC mostly. Metallica, Motorhead, Bob Seger..."

"I love Bob Seger!"

"Really?" Dean blinked in surprise and Cas nodded eagerly. 

"Night moves, Old time Rock n' Roll? Bob Seger is the best," Dean grinned and clicked on his music, switching the song until a Bob Seger one came on.

They sang along to it the whole way to the movies, and fought over whether John Fogerty or Freddie Mercury was the better singer. 

They were still debating as they walked into the theater.

"EVERYONE knows Freddie Mercury is the better singer!" Cas declared. "Queen is iconic!"

"Oh, and Creedence Clearwater Revival isn't?" Dean insisted. "John Fogerty is incredible."

"Agreed, but Freddie is better!"

"I think John could take him."

"Queen is a thousand times more iconic than Creedence Clearwater Revival. I could start singing Bohemian Rhapsody right now, and everyone in here would know the words and sing with me. They're that iconic."

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