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"Come on!" Gabriel declared giddily, tugging on Sam's hand. The boy laughed and ran with him until they stopped on the basketball court. 

The gym was dark, lit only by the glow of Gabriel's phone as they stopped in the middle of the court.

"Gabe, what are we doing here?" Sam questioned, curious. You never really knew what to expect when it came to Gabriel.

"Living out one of my dream fantasies." Gabriel explained. "I've always wanted to make out on a basketball court with a tall guy."

"But... Gabe... I don't play basketball." Sam admitted.

"Does it look like I give a shit if you play basketball?" 


"Exactly. You're a tall drink of water, and we're on a basketball court. That meets all of my requirements." Sam shrugged.

"Okay." Gabriel reached up and tugged on Sam's collar, bringing the moose down close enough for their lips to meet.


"Where could they be?" Michael grumbled. He and Lucifer had been tasked with the job of picking up their younger siblings from the school dance. Anna, Hannah, and Balthazar were at the entrance with Satan, but neither Castiel nor Gabriel was anywhere to be found.

So, Michael aimlessly wandered the school, looking for his little brothers.

And then Castiel suddenly stumbled out of a janitor's closet, closely followed by a familiar blond haired boy.

"Michael!" He yelped in surprise. Michael raised an eyebrow. His brother's hair was messed up even more then usual, his shirt was askew, and his entire face was beet red with embarrassment.

Dean looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head, and he somehow looked even more disheveled then Castiel did.

"....Cassie." Michael deadpanned. "Have you seen Gabe anywhere?"

"No," Castiel replied, trying to act casual.

"I think he was with Sam." Michael raised an eyebrow and Dean shut up.

"Yeah, that sounds right..." Cas agreed. "They're probably goofing off somewhere or something, not like us. We were...." He paused. " supplies?"

"...Sure you were." 

"We were!" Dean insisted. "And we've determined that Shaggy brand is more more effective than Nelly's." Cas bit his lip, halfway between wanting to die and wanting to tackle Dean. Michael rolled his eyes as Cas started to defend himself and dig his grave a little deeper, but Michael ignored him at the sound of his phone ringing.


"What?" He questioned. "I found Cassie." His words were drowned out by the sound of Lucifer's howling laughter.

"I found Gabe!!!" Satan screeched, still dying of laughter. "You- You gotta see this, Mikey. I haven't laughed this hard in YEARS!"

"Where are you?"

"In the gym!" He burst out laughing again and Michael rolled his eyes before hanging up.

"Apparently, Gabe's in the gym." He declared. Dean and Castiel followed him there.

And then they suddenly realized why Satan had been laughing so hard.

Gabriel was hanging from the basketball hoop, caught there by his belt. The teenager had a look on his face that clearly expressed that this was something he thought would be a good idea, only to have it go terribly, terribly wrong.

Sam, Anna, Balthazar, Hannah, and a still laughing Lucifer were underneath the hoop, trying to figure out the easiest way to get Gabe down.

"HOW." Castiel demanded. Dean burst out laughing, and Michael facepalmed.

"Don't. Ask." Gabriel growled. He scowled down at them.

"In hindsight," Sam offered. "I don't really know why we thought it was a good plan."

"It was a good plan! It was a great plan! But then you sneezed and dropped me!"

"I did not drop you! I fell over, and you somehow got stuck!"

"Well it's your fault for falling over!!"

"It was your idea to come to the gym in the first place!"

"Oh for crying out loud," Castiel rolled his eyes. "Somebody find a ladder."

"There isn't one." Sam offered. "I checked."

"And I double checked while Luci was dying." Anna went on. 

"Someone please get me down!" Gabriel whined. "I have a wedgie!"

That only made Lucifer and Dean laugh harder.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Castiel commented, pulling out his phone. "Is anyone else in the school?"

"No." Hannah insisted. "All the teachers left, most of the kids are gone."

"Good. Less embarrassment for Gabe then."

"Wait WHY-" Gabriel started as Castiel dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"I need somebody with a ladder." Castiel offered. "Does the fire department get people out of basketball hoops?"

"You're stuck in a basketball hoop?"

"No, my brother is, and we have no way of getting him down."

"How did he get up there?"

"....That's a very good question."


The car ride back to the Novak house was quiet. Castiel glanced down at the clock.

"Dad's gonna be mad," He offered. "It's past curfew."

"I think he'll understand when he learns there were firemen involved." Anna insisted.

"This is the funniest shit," Lucifer declared. "I putting this on Tumblr."

"Don't you dare!" Gabriel shot back.

"It is a little funny," Michael admitted. "Even you have to admit that." They stopped, thinking about it. Gabriel slowly smiled.

"Okay," He gave in. "It's a LITTLE funny."

"It's HILARIOUS!!!" Balthazar screeched, and they all burst out laughing.

"You know..." Lucifer started. "You guys don't necessarily have to end the party here."

"We're already past the time Dad wanted us home by," Hannah reminded him.

"True, true, but if we're already late then what's the harm in being later?"

"What exactly were you thinking?" Balthazar asked.

"There's that new club that opened downtown, it's open all night, for all ages...."

"Dad would KILL us," Cas insisted.

"C'mon, Cassie, I'll let you invite Dean!"

"SAM TOO!" Gabriel yelled, even though Sam had made it very clear that he was embarrassed and just wanted to go to bed and rethink why he had agreed to go out with Gabriel in the first place.

"Sure, whatever, somebody get Charlie in on this too."

"She'll have to bring Jo," Anna said, already texting her.

"Hey, it's a party! The more the merrier! You in, Cassie?" Cas thought for a moment, knowing this was going to be a terrible idea, but at the same time, it DID sound fun....

"Screw it, I'm in." He said, and the rest of his siblings cheered. He texted Dean.

Up for an afterparty?

Name the place and I'll be there, Shaggy :)

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