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Cas walked into school on Monday feeling, somehow, more confident than he had on Friday, when he had left with Dean Winchester's phone number. 

The fact that he had had an awesome first date with Dean Winchester may have had a lot to do with it. Or maybe he was still radiating in the satisfaction of having beaten Gabriel in something. But Gabriel, as usual, wasn't going to take his loss lying down.

"I demand a rematch," He declared. 

"How can there be a rematch?" Cas asked. "We met the Winchesters. We have their phone numbers. We both went on dates. We're even."

"Exactly. We're EVEN, which means it's the perfect moment to strike a new bargain."

I don't see what there is to bargain for. I got Dean, I'm happy." Gabriel smirked.

"But do you really HAVE Dean?" Cas raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you went on one date with him. Big deal. That doesn't mean anything. He could go on one date with everyone in the school if he wanted to."

"That goes for Sam too, you realize."

"I do, and hence my new challenge. If the Winchesters are our soulmates, which they are, we can't let them get away! Not when we're so close! Sooooo, new bet! We've hooked the fish, and now we have to reel it in, nice and slow."

"Cut the metaphors."

"First one to get a Winchester as an OFFICIAL BOYFRIEND wins." Cas stared at his brother.

"We can't force them to date us-"

"No, but we can make them want to."

"Gabe, even if I get lucky enough to seriously date Dean Winchester, I'm not gonna keep betting on our relationship milestones with you. That's no way to build a stable relationship-"

"Blah blah blah- I don't care, Cassie!" Gabriel whined. "That's the bet. If it makes you feel better, it'll be the last one, okay? Unless we're making a bet on who fucks one of them first, in which case, I'll obviously win, so really I'm just sparing you a loss-"



"You're trying to date a freshman!"


"SO, they're too young for that stuff!" Gabriel stared at him.

"Honey, if you thing the freshmen are too young for sex, CLEARLY you have not seen Hannah's internet search history." As if summoned, Hannah appeared behind them and slammed Gabriel against the lockers.

"You tell anyone what you've seen and I'll gut you like a fish," She warned.

"So I can't tell Cassie about your addiction to Good Omens smut?" Cas gasped.

"HANNAH." Hannah's face went bright red and she slowly turned to look at Cas. "How DARE YOU not send me your recommendations?"

"....We'll talk later," She promised. "Right now I have to go drown Gabriel in the girls' bathroom."

"Use the one by the cafeteria, all the girls in the school have seen us in there so many times that they've stopped using it altogether."

"Ah, so there'll be less witnesses. Thanks Cassie!" Gabriel gaped at both of them.

"How dare you plot my murder together-" He started, Hannah dragging him down the hallway as Cas fought back a laugh.

He had barely opened his locker when Dean Winchester slide up beside him, looking smug.

"Hey," He said.

"Hello Dean," Cas grinned.

"So," Dean started. "I know there's like some unspoken rule or some shit about how you're not supposed to talk to someone until three days after your date or something, but you're really cool so I'm gonna completely ignore that system and risk looking desperate, okay?" Cas shrugged.

"If it means I get to talk to you more, it's fine by me."

"Well if you really want to talk to me more, maybe we should go out again."

"Another date?" Cas asked, his smile growing. Dean shuffled his feet. 


"Wow, you really are desperate."

"Nah, I'm just selfish for wanting you all to myself for a few hours."

"Well in that case, maybe you should be selfish more often." Dean grinned.

"So, I'll take that as a yes to a second date?"

"Of course."



Oh yeah. Gabriel was gonna lose this bet like a NASCAR crash; fast and hard.


Gabriel swaggered into his Spanish class, propping his feet up on his desk yet again. He tossed a lollipop on Sam's desk and grinned as his moose stiffened.

"Cherry, right?" He asked, and Sam looked over at him.

"Yeah," He said, a bit surprised. "So...."

"So," Gabriel waggled his eyebrows, and Sam went red.

"You're never gonna let me live down what happened on Saturday, are you?"

"No sirree, dear Sammich."

"Great. Is it too late to change classes?"

"But Samasonic, why would you want to do that?" Gabriel asked, suddenly alarmed. "I thought we had fun on Saturday."

"We did," Sam admitted. "But I don't want to become known as your boy toy or something, and besides- if my brother found out I got caught making out with a junior within the first two months of school, he'd kill us both."

"Oh, my dear moose," Gabriel flung himself on Sam's desk, grasping at the boy. "I am not my older sibling. I don't do 'boy toys.' I had fun making out with you, of course- and I mean serious fun, how you can kiss like that as a freshman blows my mind- but I want to have fun with you in other ways, too. And if being dismembered by your brother is the fate history has in store for me, then I will accept it as long as I know you'll be my grieving widow." Sam made a face.

"I will never be your grieving widow," He deadpanned, and Gabriel gasped. 

"You wound me, Samhain."

"Widower," Sam corrected.


"Widows are girls. Widowers are boys. I'd be your grieving widowER. Honestly, it's a miracle you've made it this far without failing school." Gabriel stared at him.

"Well, I've only passed because I've had excellent tutors," He admitted. "And I think I'll need one again this year, if you're up for the job. But I should warn you, there will be a LOT of study dates involved."

"Study dates or....STUDY dates?" Sam questioned. Gabriel smirked.

"Whatever kind has you pinning me against a wall again." Sam went red.

You should actually study for your class, you know. Especially this one. Spanish can be surprisingly difficult."

"No necesito estudiar para un clase con un alce bonito." Gabriel practically purred. Sam's eyes widened.

"St-studying," He spit out finally. "A date, uh-STUDY DATE. On Friday?" Gabriel smiled.

"You're cute when you're flustered, cariño." Sam shook his head.

"Do you want to meet at the library again on Friday?" He said.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Cas was going down.

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