Maybe We Could Hang Out...

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"Hey," Dean said, sliding up next to Cas in the hallway the next day.

"Hello," Cas said, already grinning.

"Are you ready?"

"For what?"

"Are you prepared?"


"For the single lamest thing I will ever do in my life." Dean said seriously.


"Seriously, this is pathetic. This is the lowest I think I've ever sunk, and I will entirely understand if you turn me down and or never want to speak with me again after I do this."  Cas raised an eyebrow.

"Okay I'm ready."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Lay it on me, Winchester."

"Alright, here goes nothing...." Dean took a deep breath. "Hey!"


"I think you're really cool- I like you a lot! Maybe we could hangout or something..." Cas stared at him for a moment, watching Dean's face go red in shame. And then he burst out laughing.

"Not sure if that's a good sign or not," Dean admitted as Cas wiped tears of laughter from his eyes.

"That was beautiful," He choked out. "You should quote vines more often."

"Well in that case....STOP, I COULD'VE DROPPED MY CROISSANT!" Cas lost it again. "What is so funny about me quoting vines?"

"I don't know, it's just how you say it!" Cas insisted. "And I assume you actually want to hang out with me, otherwise you wouldn't have randomly quoted that."

"I do," Dean agreed. "If you want."

"Alright. When do you wanna hang out?"

"What about after school? We could go to one of our houses and do our homework or something."

"Our homework."



"Unless there's something else you'd rather do...?" Dean asked casually.

"I'm not gonna make out with you that easily," Cas insisted.

"It's cause I'm ugly, isn't it?"

"No it's cause I have a clear memory of my drunk aunt yelling at me and my siblings about how we shouldn't put out until at least the third date, and by my records, we've only had one so far."

"But if we count hanging out as a date then technically we could make out on Friday..."

"Does hanging out REALLY count as a date though?"

"Why wouldn't it?" Cas sighed.

"Well, you make a truly killer argument, Dean, I cannot dispute it, you win. We'll hang out as a date. Now the real question- your house or my dumpster fire?"

"Sam's staying late at school for a club thing, and my mom works late, so we'd have my house all to myself..."

"How conveniently scandalous of you."

"However, I am really curious about what your house-"

"Dumpster fire-"

"-looks like, and if my mother ever found out that I was left unsupervised with a handsome boy..."

"She'd kill you."


"Well then I guess we could go to my house," Cas offered. "My siblings and my dad will be there so there will likely be no privacy whatsoever, but oh well."

"We do have study hall last though."


"And sooooo what if we left early? That way we get a little time to ourselves before your army of a family comes home."

"So we can do homework."

"Of course."

"...Do I get to ride in your car?"




So as soon as the bell rang, Dean and Cas made their way to the school doors, giddy about leaving early for some unknown reason. But Cas should've known better than to think he could just walk out of school with Dean friggin Winchester without SOMEONE noticing, cause as soon as his hand touched the door, Dean practically bouncing beside him, his name was called out.

"Cassie!" Anna's voice yelled out and Cas sheepishly turned to face his sister, who raised an eyebrow at the sight of Dean. "...Whatcha doing?"

"Going home," Cas explained. "To....hang out...." Anna gave him a deadpan look.

"To hang out." She echoed sarcastically.


"Right now."


"While the rest of us are in school and Dad's in editing meetings so the house is conveniently empty."



"And do homework!"

"Instead of going to your last class."

"Our last class is study hall, and we'd basically be doing the same thing, just my room is more comfortable than the chairs in the library."

"Uh huh." They stared each other down for a moment, and Dean glanced between the two of them awkwardly.

"We should go," He said finally, interrupting the staring contest.

"Yes we should!" Cas agreed. "Can you explain to Dad that I got another ride home?"

"You mean cover for your ass?" Anna questioned. "Or, more accurately, cover for you while you go GET ass-"


"Yes, dumbass, of course I'll cover for you, that's what good siblings do, just uh," She smirked. "Make sure you're extra safe when you're working on that homework."

"Anna I swear to Dad-"

"Wouldn't wanna make any....mistakes."


"Although I'm sure Dean has brought all his supplies with him, right?"

"I will kill you and announce to the school that you gave Brett Andrews a handie if you don't shut up right now." Anna gasped.

"NOT BRETT. NEVER BRETT!!!" She screeched.

"Exactly. GOODBYE, ANNA." Cas shoved the doors open and ran out, Dean on his heels. Anna glared after them.

"It was ONE TIME," She muttered, storming off. "Stupid Truth or Dare..."

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