Cleaning Discoveries

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"CASTIEL JAMES NOVAK!" Chuck bellowed, his voice rattling the house as Cas's siblings ducked in fear. They knew that voice. That was Chuck's angry voice. 

It was basically the only voice Lucifer and Gabriel knew. Balthazar and Anna were also very familiar with it. Hannah was more experienced with his disappointed voice, but she knew the wrath of the angry voice too. Michael was perfect so he had no experience with either voice, but Castiel....

Castiel, up until right now, had also been a perfect golden child. What the hell had he done to invoke the angry voice right off the bat?

"Yes?" Cas asked, gingerly stepping into the room as Chuck scowled.

"Were you EVER going to tell me that you and Dean said you loved each other or WAS I JUST SUPPOSED TO HEAR THAT FROM MARY FREAKIN WINCHESTER?" Cas's eyes widened.



"I would've told you! It just never came up!"

"Never came-" Chuck let out a frustrated screech. "Call me overly invested in your love lives all you want, but THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF I WANT TO KNOW, CASSIE. I DON'T CARE IF TANYA PUSHED YOU ON THE PLAYGROUND, I WANT TO KNOW WHO SHE MADE OUT WITH IN THE BOYS BATHROOM LAST WEEK."

"Dad lives for the tea," Hannah commented.

"I DO!" 

"Soooo you're not mad?" Cas asked.

"Oh no," Chuck said, glaring at him. "I'm very mad. I'm beyond mad. I'm insulted. I am your father, and yet I am also the LAST person in the entirety of Lawrence to know that you and Dean Winchester are in a serious committed relationship. I'm devastated, Castiel. DEVASTATED."

"I'm sorry?"

"You should be. I'm punishing you for this."


"I am."

"But that's ridiculous!"

"I really don't care. Your punishment is to clean the house while the rest of us go to Hannah's Debate meet." All of the kids immediately started protesting.

"The WHOLE HOUSE?" Cas asked in shock. 

"Wait so Cassie's punishment is to MISS the single most boring event EVER?" Gabriel demanded. "That's so unfair!"

"The whole house." Chuck repeated. "And you're going to support your sister, Gabriel."

"Why doesn't Cassie have to support her???"

"Because I know Cassie loves me," Hannah insisted. "And I want a clean house too."

"Then it's settled," Chuck decided. Cas sighed, but he knew he'd clean the house. He didn't really mind cleaning, and anything would be better than sitting through another one of Hannah's debates, no matter how fun it was to watch her go on a rant and put people in their place.

So while the rest of his family piled into the car bound for Debate town, Cas grabbed a broom.

He cleaned the living room and the kitchen, mopping and dusting and futilely scrubbing at the cabinet's pink stains. And since Chuck had said the whole house, he also straightened up his room, his sisters' room, and Michael's room, which was really a dangerous game as it was a fine line between cleaning and snooping, and Michael would inevitably kill him if he moved anything somewhere where Mike wouldn't be able to find it later.

Lucifer's room had been especially scary to clean. He had thought about skipping the den of Hell altogether, but curiosity got the best of him. Satan NEVER let anyone look through his things, so naturally Cas had to snoop a little. What kind of brother would he be if he didn't?

The Novak DollsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora