Mission Impossible

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A week later, Cas was lying awake in his bed, unable to sleep.

He was thinking about Dean, of course. How could he not? It had been a week since they'd last spoken, and every second of it was slowly eating away at him. How was it possible that he'd gotten so attached to Dean in such a short amount of time? 

And why was he suffering so much over just ONE WEEK of not being able to talk to him? Surely he could handle that. He had gone years without even knowing who Dean was!

But this was TORTURE. Absolute torture. Especially when he technically saw Dean at least five times a day, and every day Dean looked a little sadder when he waved.

Dammit Chuck, he had learned his lesson. He'd never lie or get arrested EVER AGAIN. WHY DID HE STILL HAVE TO PAY THIS PRICE?

At least he wasn't the only one suffering. Lucifer was on the verge of a psychotic breakdown at not being able to see or talk to Chloe. She kept him sane and happy and without that...

Satan got scarier.

Gabriel wasn't faring much better. He was going through candy withdrawals and that on top of losing his moose was not a fun combination.

"Gabriel?" Cas whispered, too lazy to glance across the room and see if his brother was asleep.

"Yeah?" Gabe said, just as awake as Cas was.

"I hate this."

"Let me guess- you're thinking about Dean?"

"Yeah...You thinking about Sam?"


"Maybe if we can convince Dad that we've learned our lesson, he'll let us have the boys back."

"Unlikely. I think part of him likes watching us suffer."

"That's not true."

"It has to be- where else does Satan get his cruel tendencies from?"

"Cruel tendencies?" Satan bellowed from the door and Gabriel let out a shriek. "Shut up!" Lucifer hissed, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh my god, I've gone too far, Satan's gonna kill me," Gabriel said, his eyes wide. "Cassie help!"

"No, you got yourself into this mess," Cas insisted, sitting up. "What do you want, Luci?"

"I want to see my damn girlfriend," He said simply. "And I thought you two would like to see your boyfriends as well."

"But we can't-"

"Cassie are you seriously going to tell me that out of ALL the books you've read, you've never heard of the concept of sneaking out of the house to go hook up with someone?"


"The whole pebbles at the window routine? Climbing down the drainpipe or the lattice?"

"Obviously I've heard of that, but it's late!" Lucifer tossed them their phones and Gabriel gasped.

"How did you-" He started.

"I have my ways," Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Look, I'll make it simple for you two. Get in touch with your boyfriends, tell them you're coming over for a late night rendezvous or whatever. We'll slip out the storm doors from my room, take Mikey's car, and I'll drop you two off on my way to Chloe's. You can fool around for a few hours, and then I'll come pick you up before it gets too light out, we'll come home, sneak back in, and boom, nothing ever happened. You get to see your boy toys, I get to see my Queen, and Dad never knows. Wins all around, let's go, we're wasting precious darkness."

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