Dean Winchester. Not To Be Confused With Dean Winchester.

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Cas pushed the internal crisis into the back of his mind. He'd wonder more about his absent mother later, but now he was gonna spend time with Dean.

Because Dean was hot and Dean was in his bedroom and holy shit was Cas grateful he had remembered to clean his room the day before.

Well, his half anyways. Gabriel's side was a bit of a trainwreck as usual, but at least there was no dirty underwear in sight.

"Let me guess," Dean said with a grin. "The clean side's yours?"

"Whatever gave it away?" Cas said. "Sorry about Gabe's half. He's the messiest one in the family next to Dad."

"I can tell," Dean looked around the room, his eyes landing on Cas's bookcase, the shelves lined with well worn paperbacks and other toys and trinkets he and Gabriel had thrown there over the years. "Oh cool, you've got a magic eight ball?"

"Technically it's Hannah's, but yeah," Cas explained. "When she was seven she went a week deciding everything with that thing, and I mean EVERYTHING. Dad recruited us to steal it after she asked it if she should eat dinner and it said no."

"Good idea," Dean grabbed the magic eight ball and shook it. "Will I have pie for dinner?....'The stars say no.' Well, this thing is obviously broken."

"Maybe you're not asking it the right question," Cas suggested.

"Alright..." Dean shook the ball again. "Will Cas's family like me?....'Better not tell you now' That's helpful."

"Okay, it's broken," Cas agreed. "Cause my family will love you. You're probably gonna run into most of my siblings while you're here anyways, but Dad's at work so you'll have to meet him another time."

"You mean I don't have to stress about being threatened by an angry father? Wonderful!" Cas rolled his eyes as Dean set the magic eight ball back on the shelf and kept looking at the bookcase.

"Chuck won't threaten you," He insisted. "He's not that kind of Dad....unless it comes to Hannah, then he's all murder. No, the people you should be worried about are my siblings and Aunt Amara."

"You have a million siblings, surely there's some I don't have to wear body armor around?"

"Gabriel's mostly harmless, but he might prank you so check your chairs before you sit down, and Michael might give you one warning because he's my older brother, but if he likes you, and he will, then you'll get along fine. Hannah will be too happy that I'm going on dates with somebody to have any negative feelings towards you, but Balthazar, Anna, and Lucifer have the most potential to be hostile if they deem you not up to their standards. But you've already passed the test with Anna and Hannah, so they'll keep Balthazar in check, and if everyone else likes you, then Satan should behave."

"How does Anna already like me if I've never met her?"

"She's seen your car." Dean spun around, intrigued.

"Anna likes my car?"

"She's planning to steal it from you."

"I like Anna."

"Most men do." Dean took one last glance at the bookcase and raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a G.I. Joe?" Cas's eyes widened as Dean took the blond haired, green eyed soldier doll off the shelf. 

Shit shit shit.

"I haven't seen one of these since Sammy was in elementary school," Dean commented. "Is this yours or Gabriel's?" 


Cas's face went red.

"Uh, it's mine," He admitted, immediately kicking himself for saying it. He needed to get Dean Winchester the human FAR FAR AWAY from Dean Winchester the beloved plastic figure, like NOW.

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