New Year's Eve

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It was New Year's Eve, and for the seven hundredth time this year, Chuck wished he had a bigger house.

The Novaks always had a little party on New Year's Eve, cause why not? It had started with just him and Amara, celebrating that they had survived another year with their sanity and without accidentally killing a child. But the party had grown from there to include the kids, then Charlie, then Chloe, and now...

Now the entire Winchester family was present, along with Anna's latest fling (Some dude named Josh who Chuck already hated with a passion), Chloe and Jo had snuck their way in, and Balthazar had bought Chastity for another holiday, something no one could really object to because hey, she was on the Christmas card, and that made her family. 

And to top off the chaos of having seventeen people crowded in the living room, Michael of all people, had shyly asked if he could have someone over as well.

"OOOOO," Gabriel started immediately. "MIKEY'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!"

"No I don't!" Michael said defensively, immediately regretting it cause it would only set his siblings off further.

"No, you're right, he doesn't," Lucifer agreed and Michael gave him a weird look. Since when was Satan kind? "He's bringing his BUDDY-"


"BUDDY SYSTEM FOR LIFE, BROTHER!" Michael grabbed a pillow and started beating Satan with it while Lucifer cackled. 


"I will when you give me a better description of your relationship," Lucifer insisted and Michael went red.




"Please don't," Chloe begged. "You have no idea how difficult it was to get that shit."

"Why-" Chuck started, only to stop himself and sigh. "You know what? I don't even want to know. Michael! Who's your buddy?"

"NOT YOU TOO-" Michael groaned.

"YES!" Lucifer cheered. "Her name is L Y D I A." Michael dropped to the floor and buried his face in his hands.

"Why did I ever think this was a good idea?" He asked.

"Lydia?" Cas echoed from his seat, which happened to be Dean's lap. "That's a pretty name. What's she like?"

"She's...." Michael waved randomly. "A person."

"She seemed nice when I saw her," Chloe insisted.

"Wait YOU'VE MET HER?" Chuck demanded. "AND I HAVEN'T? HOW??"

"I met her at a party that Luci and Chloe crashed," Michael explained. "And she doesn't really like parties, so I would APPRECIATE IT, if you would all BEHAVE AROUND HER." The entire party stared at him.

"Is behaving still a thing?" Balthazar asked, braiding his prostitute's hair. "I thought it went out of style years ago."

"Mike," Hannah said gently. "You're bringing her to meet your family; a family that includes God, Balthazar, a future stripper, an ACTUAL STRIPPER-"

"PROSTITUTE," Balthazar corrected.

 "-and SATAN. I want you to think about what you're asking of us." Michael groaned.

"This was a horrible idea." 

And then the doorbell rang.

"I'LL GET IT!" Lucifer charged for the door, flung it open, and then dipped into a bow. "Greetings, good madam." Lydia stared at him, then stepped over him and into the house.

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