The exposition's preparations

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I hear whispers behind me and Jungkook uses this moment to come back, wet from all the water. I put the picture safely in my pocket, I'll give it to him when he's dried. I meet Jimin's gaze and we share a smile, although I can see some worries in his eyes. "It was so fun! You guys should've come with me!" We all laugh at his childlike behavior, he's so adorable. "It was much more fun to watch you having fun" Jin coos and Hoseok uses his sleeve to dry Jungkook's face.

"Let's go to my studio, I should have towels there" I say and they hop after me, Jungkook splashing water everywhere when he shakes his head. "Kookie! Be careful!" Jimin screams playfully and he only gets giggles in response.

We start walking and Jimin whispers something to the others before forcing me to walk slower, getting some distance from the others in front of us. Confused, I look at him and he gives me a serious look. "Y/N, we agreed for the pictures, but shouldn't you be careful? Giving them some of your energy is draining and even Rocky mentioned you shouldn't do that for a while. I don't mean to control you, but I'm worried". My eyes widen. "You met Rocky?" He nods. "When you suddenly left yesterday, we stayed by the cafe, not knowing what to do. We were really confused and scared for you. Then someone handed us a phone and it was Rocky asking to meet us. He wanted to explain a little and tell us to take care of you". "He didn't tell me, but I should've known. That's why he asked where I left you all" I chuckle. I look at him again with a smile. "I'm fine, Jimin. Doing this for my soulmates makes me happy. I won't connect with the other pictures for now, I'll wait until I recover, don't worry too much". He nods, looking satisfied with my reply. "Thank you for caring. Let's get back to the others now" I add and we sprint back to our soulmates.

We soon reach my studio and I unlock the door, letting them in before closing it behind me. I turn on the lights and while they walk around, amazed by all the equipment around, I fumble in my drawers trying to find a towel.

"I'm pretty sure I have one around here..." I mumble to myself and eventually I find it on a shelf further away. I grab it and run towards Jungkook, giving him time to notice it and he proceeds to dry his hair, then the rest of his body. "I might have something for you to wear too, give me a moment". Now's not the time to have a sick soulmate. I run towards the wardrobe where I keep different outfits for my models and find something that should suit him. I give him a pale blue button-down shirt with white jeans and show him where the changing room is.

I think nothing of it, talking with the guys for a while before hearing the door open. I turn around and when I see him walk out of the cabin, my heart speeds up. "Damn" I whisper and the guys snort. "I know right?" Jimin coos and Jungkook stops in front of us with an embarrassed smile. "It suits you" is all I manage to say and he grins at me.  The others give me a knowing look and I try to transmit to them through my eyes to stay quiet. Hoseok just winks at me and they start looking around the room.

"What do you need us to do?" Jimin asks and I walk towards the black backdrop background. I turn on one lamp and stand in front of it, moving around and watch as my shadow moves and dances behind me. "This is what I had in mind. It's just hard to be the photographer and the model at the same time" I turn to look at them and see amazement in their eyes. Confused, I stare at them. "I don't think you're aware of how beautiful you are" Jin murmurs and I blush. This, I was not expecting.

I step away and give the space for whoever wants to go first. Hoseok goes forward with a smile and gets into position for something. Curious, I get ready with my camera and when he starts moving, I'm transported into a whole new world. Hoseok's world. He starts dancing and his serious expression as he focuses on his moves takes my breath away. Without thinking, I capture his profile as his hands fly in the sky above his head, head bent slightly backwards as he dreams of a better world, his eyes shining brightly as his shadow follows silently after him.

I completely forget the reason of his presence there as I watch until the end, absorbed in his every moves. When he's done, his serious face gives place to a radiant smile and he hops close to me, bending forward to be eye level with me and tilts his head to the side. "So? What did you think?"

I'm still speechless and my tongue slips trying to find the right words, so it comes out as complete gibberish. Nice one, Y/N, real smooth.

Jimin steps closer and puts a hand on my shoulder with a teasing grin. "I think this will take time to complete, she wasn't really taking pictures". I blush, feeling exposed, but Hoseok just beams as he shoots me his hearty smile. "Really? I can dance as many times as you want, Y/N" A nervous giggle escapes my lips. I don't think I would survive.

I look at my camera and realize that I did take one picture, although not quite the way I need for the exposition. I walk to my studio's small printer for personal pictures and connect my camera to it. As much as I would love it in a bigger format, I wouldn't want his to be different from the others'. I'll print them all in bigger formats for myself later.

The guys sit on chairs and Jimin walks around, examining the room, curious looks glancing at the equipment, trying to guess what they do. "I bet Tae would love being here" he says and the others hum in agreement. I'd have to make sure to bring him here, maybe have him help when I'm working. I still didn't know if they were here to stay or just on vacation though. Would they leave soon?

With the picture printed, I bring it to life and watch as the alluring scene moves on repeat. Taking Jungkook's picture out of my pocket, I walk back to the group and hand them both theirs respectively.

Curious, they each take one and I watch expectantly as their eyes widen. "How did you manage to take the picture at such a perfect timing?!" Jungkook exclaims and I laugh. "Call it a feeling". I turn to look at Hoseok and see him still staring at it without saying anything. Anxious, I walk closer and look at it too. "Do you... perhaps not like it?" I murmur and he jumps. He turns his head towards me and shakes his head violently. "I love it. I really do". I sigh of relief. "We'll cherish these for the rest of our lives" Jungkook adds and I grin shyly. "It's not like these pictures are the only ones I'll ever take of you all". This is my silent promise to them to stay by their sides. Jin seems to have understood because his eyes get teary and he gives me warm eyes. 

"Alright! Remember why we're here, we've an exposition to save!" Jin then exclaims while clapping his hands. Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook straighten up, look forward, scream "Yes, sir!" and take place on the scene.

I look at Jin and tilt my head. "Do you want to participate too?" He shakes his head with a little smile. "Dancing is their passion, I'd rather watch". "It's fine, take a seat then, make yourself comfortable" I say and he does, giving me one last smile before looking at the trio in front of the light.

I place things so it gets the effect that I want and position myself so I can see their shadows. They start dancing together, synchronizing their moves and I go into professional mode. I ask them to go solo or duo then trio again, trying to get as many shots as possible.

I like the symbol of shadows on black, because it shows that even in the darkest of times, life goes on. You can keep going, your shadow is always there, following in your steps, counting on you to keep walking. That even when you lose yourself, forget who you are, as long as there's even the faintest of lights, the shadow always stays close and reminds you that you're the most important to it. That while it stands in the dark, you stand in the light.

It's what I'm trying to portrait anyway. Will it work? I have no idea. But even if people don't understand, I do. And that's enough to me.

The pictures that talk ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant