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Phil and I said our goodbyes to Andy, thanking him for the free food as he wishes us to stay safe.
We promised to hang out at some point, all of us including Pj and Chris.
Speaking of those two we haven't seen them since we left the hospital, I'm guessing they're resting after this whole stupid thing. Considering they were the ones to find us and give up their time to save us, I would ask to hang out today but I'm sure that their just want to sleep.

The hair dresser smiles as Phil and I enter the shop, her eyes narrowed on our long hair which hasn't been this long for years now.
"Hello boys, haven't seen you in a month." She tells us, tapping on the computer.

I nod and point to our fringes. "This is an urgent emergency, Nancy," I say with fake horror. Phil nods in agreement and does a frightened, dramatic face.

"Well of course it is," she replies with exaggeration. "Sit down you two, I'm guessing you want roughly the same cut?" She asks. I turn to Phil who is sat in the seat next to me, his feet swinging slightly like a childs.

"I'll have whatever he's having, Phil's hair always looks cool." He blushes and shakes his head, hiding behind his long fringe. I smirk to myself and lean back, Nancy chuckles and begins with our irl edits.

Sitting here whilst having my hair cut, everything seems so normal.
Did all that stuff even happen? It doesn't even feel real what happened to Phil and I.
We're just sat here living our normal lives, talking to people and being our usual nerdy selves.

It's strange.
It's strange to think that only a few weeks ago we were huddled up in a corner of a dark, wet, cold room scared for our lives; waiting for what would happen to us next.
Phil would act brave and hold me close when I would just usually end up hugging him, giving him care and love after the punishments.

None if it seems like it happened. Like it was all a bad dream.
Even the part with Phil... dying.
That didn't even seem real.

But I know it happened. I'm reminded every time a unknown shadow passes by, every time I see a van and every time that I'm alone...
And of course every time I hear his heart beat. Every blasted time I look into Phil's eyes, I see all that pain, all that suffering that he had to go through just so that I would be safe.

Even then that loser loved me and I didn't even know it.

Through all my thinking Nancy pats my shoulder and removes the towel from around my neck.
To say the least ive never been so happy to see so much hair fall at my feet, I shake out my hair, smiling at how fluffy and light it feels. It doesn't feel as heavy anymore like it's dragging me down.
I stand up and brush off my shoulders and chest, only to then turn and widen my eyes at Phil.
His hair is so much shorter but it looks so good on him.

"There you go hunny." The hair dresser working on Phil chirps, ruffling his hair slightly. I frown at her actions.
I'm the only one who gets to ruffle his hair.

Phil smiles and stands up, checking in the mirror. "It looks good." he smiles and then looks at me. "Woah, hello ears!"

I laugh and push my ears forward with my fingers, wriggling them slightly.
Phil chuckles before going up to the desk and paying for us, making me feel slightly guilty but what the heck? It's a free haircut for me!

"Come again sweeties. See you soon." Nancy happily requests. As Phil hands her the last of the money I glance out the window, furrowing my brow when seeing Chris, Pj and the two detectives.
They seem to be in deep conversation, Pj getting frustrated at something that Chris or one of the detectives said.

Phil suddenly hugs my arm, swinging on slightly and grinning ear to ear. "Hey," he says, I point out the window, his eyes follow and mouth falls a little once he sees the four.
"Why are they hanging out with them again?" He questions.

I shrug and take his hand. "I don't know, let's go ask."
We head outside where Pj's banter is a lot more clear.

"I'm not keeping this secret from them, they're my friends and they're in danger!" Chris spots us and widens his eyes before hitting Pj on the shoulder and pointing towards Phil and I.

"Dan, Phil, how are you guys feeling?" Chris questions, smiling.

"We're fine. What are you all doing together?" I ask. I know they're up to something, when are they not up to something?

Pj scratches his arm and clears his throat, sweat starting to drip down his forehead. "Erm, we're just hanging out as friends, you know." He replies.

Phil's eyes turn sad and he frowns. "Didn't you want to hang around with us?" I take his hand and draw circles against his palm.

"Course we did but Davis and Watson just- why don't we meet up later at yours?" Pj suggests, diverting from the real question. I narrow my eyes at the four. That used to be us, the fantastic foursome.

I shake my head and squeeze Phil's hand. "We might be busy. I'll text you. Let's go Phil." Phil follows behind me as I walk off, although technically I pull him away since I'm holding his hand.
I don't know why but I don't like Chris and Pj hanging around with those two, also what on earth was Pj talking about when we came up behind them?

It couldn't have been about us, could it?
We're their best friends and if we were in danger surely they would tell us after everything we just went through?

I shake out those thoughts and presume they're talking about someone else; whoever they might be.

As Phil and I head back into our apartment, I turn my head slightly, glancing past the cars with my hand pressed against the front door.
In the bushes across the road I feel like I'm being watched.
My eyes squint and for a slight second I see a figure; a bus then drives past and they're gone. Just like that.

I swallow the tightness in my chest and make my way inside, locking the door securely after me.
Once I pull the chain across I jump a mile when something crashes against it, the door jolting at the force but thankfully not breaking.

Phil runs to my scream. "Are you okay?!" He exclaims in panic, holding my arm and tugging me away from the door.
I nod shakily and watch as Phil opens it with the chain still on. My breath is in my throat as he peeps through the gap.

"There's nothing there," He informs lowly, but still keeps his eyes glued out, not taking a single glance at me until I hug his arm. "Dan are you sure you're alright?" He turns to me and scans my face with such intensity it's insane.
I hide into his chest and nod.
Phil's arms wrap around me when suddenly he lifts me up, his arms support my legs and back as he starts carrying me up the stairs.

I smile against his neck and feel his cheeks rise as he also smiles.
Although I seize smiling once my eyes look on at the door again, for through the tint of glass a shadow glazes past, just for a second.
That second being enough for me to feel unsafe again and for my hands to tighten into Phil's clothes until I can no longer see the front door.

Tied Down.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz