Sniffing doors and butt chairs.

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Driving or riding in a some sort of transport is surprisingly one of the best times to founder through your thoughts, pick out the things that you need and don't need.

Whilst in this van I've been thinking about all the different possibilities and ways that we could find our friends.

I'm not a genius, but I'm smart.

I've always been told that at certain times I can be a quick thinker and come up with the best solutions, and even if that's not true then I've still least got half a percentage of a working brain.

My stay-put eyes creep and wonder over to Chris, he seems in deep thought too, which is definitely not your usual sight when it comes to him.

He's hunched over with his hands supporting his face as his elbows rest on his knees, his eyes are designated to the floor, blinking roughly only four times per minute.
We then jolt forward as the van comes to a stop.

"Is this the place? This is the address that you gave me." Davis questions, leaning out the window slightly.
I glance out and nod.

We all leave the van and stop outside the apartment door.
Davis seems to be looking around, he starts walking backwards and as he's about to fall down a step, Watson pokes him with his eyes still on his notebook, the poke diverts Davis and he starts sniffing at the front door.

Those two are quite a pair I must say.

"Um, does he usually do this?" Chris asks, pointing hesitantly towards Officer Davis.

Dr Watson glances up from his notebook and breathes in. "What, sniff doors?" He questions and Chris nods slowly. "It depends what sort of case it is, most of the time it is doors, but it can be cars an other things too." Watson replies.

Chris looks at me and I can tell he's trying to suppress a laugh.

"Right!" We both jump at Davis' loud voice. He's now stood up straight like a soldier and looking towards me.
"Can we enter?" He asks and I nod, reaching into my pocket for my spare key.
Phil tends to lose his a lot so I always keep a spare one just incase.

I unlock the door and as soon as I do, Davis nudges past me and starts heading up the stairs. Watson mumbles something about that being a normal thing he does too.

Chris and I scan the apartment once inside, we've done it before but we were panicking at that time, so now we can really concentrate.

We decide to go into Dans room, the first visible thing being his piano and the butt chair...
Chris goes over and pokes an inflatable dinosaur on the nose whilst I observe the room.

If I'm honest I think the kidnapping took place actually outside, so we're wasting our time here.

Chris suddenly looks like he's had an idea and rushes out the room.
I let him get to it as I make my way to the window, staring out into the city of London.
"Where are you guys? Give us some sort of clue." I mutter.

My foot then stands on something and I look to see it's a fallen picture of the four of us.
The fantastic foursome.

We don't talk as much as we used to, well Chris doesn't. It's a shame since I love all these guys and wish that things could go back to the way they used to be, before the kidnapping and before the separation of friends.
Chris must obviously still care for them as he's helping with the investigation.

"Pj, get here, I'm in the bedroom!" Chris calls. "Didn't think you'd be hearing that today did you?" He chuckles, making me smile and place the photo on top of the piano before heading into Phil's room.

"What's up?" I question to Chris whose stood in the middle of Phil's room.

"I've searched everywhere and even in Phil's drawers but there's one thing I can't find," he says and glances at me. "His phone."

I widen my eyes and realisation hits me.
How could we have been so stupid not to notice that until now?
I take out my phone immediately and start ringing Phil's phone.

We walk into the front room as the ringing continues, keeping an ear out incase it is in the flat.
It's not.
My hands shake and legs tremble as I start pacing to the tune of the ringing.

It goes to voice mail and I sigh, but then I look to Chris and grin before picking him up and swinging him around in a hug.
"You're a genius! How did you figure that out before me?!" I chirp.

Chris laughs and shrugs. "Im just better than you." he sticks his tongue out and then we hear Watson clear his throat behind us.
We pull away from each other and awkwardly smile.

"I think you're still forgetting that no one answered." he says and Officer Davis groans.

"Stop being basic Watson, the kidnappers were probably smart enough to take the phone away from them." He lectures and Watsons nods whilst mouthing 'of course'.

We stand in a silent stance. I'm imagining a huge thought bubble over our heads just swarming with all of our ideas and conclusions.

"Couldn't we trace the call?" I suggest. Davis looks to me and then to Watson, back to me and then Chris before finally setting his view on me.

"Let's go and bring that Dan fellows phone with us." Davis commands and walks quickly downstairs.
Chris picks up Dans phone and we head down with the rest of them.
"The sooner we get to the station the sooner we can begin to trace where your friends phone is." Watson explains as we strap in and begin driving to the station.

"It's still on and we can't be sure how long the battery is going to last or if the kidnappers turn it off, we just have to hope it stays alive for as long as your friends do." Davis adds, making Chris and I widen out eyes at his comment.
Davis spots our expressions and glances at Watson. "Too forward?" Watson nods and Davis clears his throat.

Chris takes out Dans phone and we stare at it. He presses the home button and a picture of Dan and Phil show, making us both smile slightly.

I tap my foot on the floor and let out a shaky breath.
We have a chance of finding them now.

Tied Down.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن