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I had my shower and got dressed, spending way too long on straightening my hair.
The strands fall down to my chin, the back now traveling down my neck, irritating the skin and making me itch. How did I used to put up with this?

I let out a frustrated groan and throw down the can of hair spray, having no clue what to do with it any way so usually just spray it around here and there, hoping that it improves something.

"Dan, you ready?" Phil calls, tapping on my door.
It's nice being back in my room with all my things. It's like when you visit your grandparents' house for the weekend and then return to your own home and sleep in your own bed again, the feeling is just the best.

I nod towards him but pout, pointing to my hair. Phil chuckles and chucks me my black leather jacket which he says looks nice on me and gives me a 'bad boy' look; what ever that's supposed to mean...

"You look fine. Now come on, I want pancakes." He whines.
I stand up and slip my jacket on, glancing into the mirror for the tenth time since I've gotten out the shower.
As I approach Phil I notice he looks nervous about something, he's looking down at the floor and fiddling with his fingers.

"Are you alright?" He lifts his head and nods with a small smile.
I jump when he takes my hand but soon relax into it.

We leave the apartment and lock it, double checking and triple checking that it's properly secure.
For obvious reasons we want to be careful.

Phil leads us down the road with our fingers still intertwined.
It's a strange feeling holding his hand in mine, I guess this is us going public?
That's a thought.
Are we going to tell everyone? The internet?

I'm sure we'll be accepted but are we willing to take the critism? Is Phil willing to take the hate?

The fresh smell of our local cafe brings my nose into a whirl of amazing scents.
My stomach rumbles and I lick my lips, feeling deprived of food.
As we enter I keep having to flick my fringe out of my face getting annoyed with each flick.

We sit in the corner beside the window, having a nice view of the outside world.
The waiter comes over and I smile at the familiar face.
"Andy!" Phil chirps.

"Hello you two, haven't seen you in about a month, I was starting to think you found a better cafe." Andy replies, his curly hair sweeping over his forehead and perfectly white teeth making me rage with envy. He is a nice guy though and has become a good friend of Phil and I's.

Phil nods and glances at me before back to Andy. "Some stuff happened, Dan and I got kidnapped." He explains.

Andy's eyes widen and his mouth drops. "Holy crap. I saw something on the news about two people getting kidnapped but I wouldn't have thought it was you guys. Are you okay?!" He questions, brown eyes swimming with concern.

I smile and wave it off. "Yeah we're fine now, just recovering and adapting to normal life again."

Andy nods and replace his frown with a warm smile. "I'm guessing you came here for pancakes?" Phil and I make faces as if to say 'of course'. "They're on the house." Andy winks.

As he walks off I grin and call out. "Stop flirting with us!" Andy flips us off, making us laugh.

Phil leans back into his seat and smiles out the window. "This is nice, everything's back to the way it was." He sighs.

"Apart from it's not exactly the way it was," I add. Phil clears his throat and shares a glance. "Are we going to tell people?" I ask.

"We aren't even official." he chuckles.

I lean forward and take his hand in mine, my fingers gently tracing over each knuckle. "Then make it official you weirdo."

He leans forward and squeezes my hand. His mouth opens but he then closes it. "Nah,"

"Phil!" I exclaim.

He laughs and shakes his head, biting his lip. "Dan, will you be my boyfriend?" He questions, staring up at my eyes.

I squeal and hug him over the table. "Yeeees!" I chuckle into his shoulder as Phil hides in my neck. "Can we not talk about how that was the least manly squeal I could have done?"

"We are most defiantly talking about it you tall lesbian." Phil mumbles.

"I really want to punch you right now but I don't want to ruin the moment." We both laugh and pull away from eachother and I'm shocked to see that he's actually got tears in his eyes. "You're such a sap, what are you crying about?"

He wipes his eyes, the biggest grin covering his face. "I've liked you for so long Dan and, I just can't believe you're mine, finally."
My stomach bubbles and churns, I can feel my cheeks heating up and the tips of my fingers going all fuzzy.

Andy then places down our pancakes, beaming at us. "how much of that did you see?" I ask.

"I was stood from a distance with the food smiling like a twat. Congrats you two, I knew it would happen." He replies, placing the syrup beside the plates. "Enjoy!"

"Thanks Andy Pansy." Phil laughs and licks his lips at the food. "Oh I have missed you."

"Jesus you look more in love with the pancakes than me!" I exclaim, crossing my arms and pouting.
Phil pouts back and continues to eat.

I follow and also start eating. "Um, excuse me?" A voice suddenly says.
Phil and I turn our heads and see two girls stood beside our table.
"We're really sorry to interrupt but we watch your videos," The blonde girl explains.

I smile and swallow my food before opening my arms, Phil doing the same. "Hey," I chirp. They smile and hug us both, their hugs tight and meaningful.

"Do you want a picture?" Phil questions. The ginger girl nods and gets her phone out. "What are your names?"

"Jess and Sarah." The blonde one, named Sarah, replies.

We take the photo, Phil sticking out his tongue and me doing that stupid smirk I always do. The girls both grin and hug us again. "Thank you, your videos are what help is through every day problems." Jess says.

I wave it off. "No problem, we wouldn't be anywhere without you guys." They wave goodbye and leave the cafe.

"Aw, I miss meeting viewers." Phil speaks up, a giant smile on his face. I nod in agreement and finish up that rest of my pancake. "Hair dressers?"

"Defiantly," I reply and then smirk. "Boyfriend."

"Don't be cheesy." He chuckles, covering his mouth.

"Oh yeah, you don't like cheese do you? You freak." I say.
Phil just sticks his tongue out and finishes the syrup left on his plate.
Hair dressers it is and then a day of adventures, aka sitting and playing video games.

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