Choo choo

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Chris, Dr Watson, Davis and I are currently back at the station but in a computer lap.
It's so high tech in here and everything is buzzing with electricity.

I have no clue what most of these things do but I want to find out.

A woman enters the lap, pausing when seeing us, probably questioning who we are. She then sees Davis and smiles.
"I'm guessing these are the two boys helping you on your case?" She questions, placing down some files.

I continue scanning the room with admiration. "you can have a look round if you want." Watson informs with a knowing smile. I grin and skip over to one of the bigger machines.

"Wait up!" Chris exclaims with a chuckle. "That's massive." he breathes. I turn to him and he's staring at my crotch.

"Chris!" I exclaim and he bursts out laughing. "You're such a twat."

"You love me though." He sings and walks off to another machine.

I lick my lips and whisper under my breath. "Yeah..."

My eyes glance to the window and I once again start thinking about Dan and Phil.
I take out my phone and bring up an old picture of us four.
We're so happy.

"Nearly done boys." Davis shouts, prodding and pressing buttons on the computer.
I nod and shove my phone back into my pocket.

"Woah, what's this?" Chris asks, poking a button on a grey machine.

"Wait no- too late." Watson sighs as Chris suddenly gets splattered in ink, the black goo running down his chest.

I roar with laughter as he stands there in shock, his mouth open and eyes wide with his hands spread out as if saying 'what just happened.'

My laughter gets cut off though when a beeping sound arises from the computer.
Chris and I head over to the screen, Chris holding out the part of his top that's iced with ink.

On the screen there's streets and the city, but then as we scoop in more to the phones position, it starts showing a patch of woodland.
I squint my eyes until it stops.
Davis points at the screen and Watson quickly writes down the co-ordinates.

"Is that them? Defiantly?" I ask.

"Let's hope. Sally get a group of police to join us." Watson replies before glancing to the woman by the computer. She nods.

I grab Chris' hand and pull him along as we run to the van.
The ink has dried now and he managed to keep up as we rush into the van and speed off.

"So we're going to find them now, yeah?" Chris exclaims, leaning over Watsons seat slightly.
Davis nods and we both smile to each other, my confidence of finding them now starting to return.

"There's a black shirt under the seats in the back if you want a new one, Chris." Watson informs. Chris nods and heads back to find it.

"Is this the one?" Chris asks, swinging around what is indeed a black shirt.
Watson nods and Chris grins before chucking his shirt off.

Not going to lie. I did look.

The van then jolts and Chris comes tumbling at me, knocking us both on the van floor. We groan in pain but also chuckle, I open my eyes to see Chris staring back at me, his body spread apon my chest.
"Davis stop driving like a maniac!" Watson huffs.

"Watson I know what I'm doing. You're thinking too loud that's why." Davis shoots back.

"Oh not this again..."

Chris looks at me again and pokes my nose. "Hi." He giggles, making my heart race.

I swallow the lump in my throat and smile back. "Hi."
His light brown eyes stare into mine, hitting right into me, like a golf ball in a hole.

"Hope you two aren't making out back there?" Watson chuckles.
My cheeks flush and Chris sits up so that he's basically straddling me.

"Just having a bit of fun in the backseat, choo choo! Am I right Peej?" He winks.
I roll my eyes and he finally gets up before helping me up.

"We're nearly there. Not long now." Davis mumbles.
I smile and can't wait to see my friends again.

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