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The telly flickers on in front of us, playing missed episodes of American horror story, one of the shows that Phil and I love to watch together.

Surprisingly we're not cuddled up together, I'm sat in my usual spot whilst Phil is sat in his, scrolling through his phone and not paying much attention to the tv screen.
I can see he's on Twitter but I can't specify what exactly he's doing on there.

"What are you doing?" I question, leaning over so I'm leaning against his arm.

He doesn't respond. I read what he's about to post and nod in understanding.
He's telling everyone the basics of what happened and that we won't be making videos for a whole.

It's a shame because I do enjoy making videos and I hate disappointing my audiance, but it's for the best that we don't.

Finally he places down his phone and smiles towards me, his hand brushing against my temple as I stare forward at the telly, too awkward to even look back at him.
Phil traces his fingers over a lump on my head that's causing my concussion, bringing a weird, frozen sensation to the touch.

I lean down and rest my head on his lap. "We should invite Pj and Chris over tomorrow. They did save us after all." Phil suggests, shuffling his legs slightly to get comfortable.

"That sounds fun. We can play more crap board games." I respond sarcastically.

Phil chuckles and nods. "We defiantly need to play happy hippos again." I frown and groan and the mention of that blasted game.
What's even the point in it?
You press buttons to make hippos eat balls? There's no objective!
"Calm down Dan, it's just a game. You'll turn into the hulk soon." he laughs and pokes my cheek.

"Shut up Thor, you won't like me when I'm angry." I reply.

Phil just smirks and looks to the telly. "You've seen me angry, not a good look for me." I freeze and stare up with wide eyes.

"That was bloody terrifying when you lashed out at me, you turned into an animal!" I exclaim, remembering clearly what happened.

"I wasn't that bad."

"You pulled my hair so that I would face you, or is that tame for you? If so then what kinky shit are you into?"

"Dan!" Phil scolds, playfully hitting my chest.
I giggle and roll so I'm facing his tummy. Slowly I lift his shirt, trying to ignore the burn marks before placing my lips on the skin.
"What are you- ah stop!" I start blowing raspberries against his stomach, smiling as he laughs, his legs and arms flailing.

I continue to blow against the skin until we start rolling off the sofa, soon ending up on the floor.
We're both laughing like crazy and I feel sorry for the neighbours who had a quiet few weeks without us messing around.

Phil pins my arms above my head as I chuckle into my shoulder. "I told you not to tickle me, I hate it." He whines.

"Well I'm sorry your majesty." I reply, smiling up at his eyes as he hovers over me.

"You should be sorry. A knight of wands should be respectful to his king."

We share warm looks, eyes convulsing into each others colours, opposites yet as one in this moment.
He's so beautiful. How people can prefer me over Phil is a mystery. Look up 'angel' in a dictionary and there will be a picture of him underneath, a perfect angel.

The doors buzzer then goes and Phil beams towards it. "Pizza!" He chirps and gets up, helping me up after.
"I'll be right back." He calls and heads downstairs.

My smile then drops as soon as he leaves, I start feeling uneasy. It's dark outside and once again Phil is going downstairs on his own.

I start to shake and panic, my finger nails digging at my hands and arms.
I can't breath.
Slowly I sink to the floor, my eyes filling with more and more tears.
"P-Phil," i croak.

Breathe Dan.

My fingers keep scratching and it feels like I'm trapped in that room again. That dark, wet, cold room. Time going by and the anxious waiting of the new punishment.

Just breathe.

I tug at my hair and whimper into my knees that are pulled up to my chest.

He's been gone for ages. It's happened again.
Please no. I can't handle it. Not again.

"Dan?" Phil's voice comes into ears length. "Oh my god, Dan!"
Arms suddenly wrap around me, hugging me close.

Are they taking me? Is it really Phil?

As I peep up through my wet lashes I see that it is infact Phil.
And that's when I start crying, hard.
Latching onto his shirt and choking on my own tears.

"Shhh, Dan, calm down. Its alright, we're safe." Phil soothes, running his hand through my hair. "I love you Dan and I wouldn't let any thing and happen to you."

I begin to calm down slightly, my ear pressed against his chest, the steady beat of his heart bringing comfort; knowing that he's not going to leave me.

"Hey Dan?" Phil whispers, a glimmer of hope in his voice.


"Micro-waave." I let out a wet laugh and sniff away a few of the tears. Phil pulls back slightly and cleans the fallen salted drops, his blue eyes staring into mine, filled with concern and also another look that I can't make out. It's a warm look, a look as if I'm the only thing that he can see.

What is it?

"T-thank you." I stutter.

"What happened, bear?"

I shake my head and chuckle at my stupidity. "You went downstairs and it just reminded me of... last time." Phil smiles and pulls me towards him so that his lips place firmly over mine. I whine against the kiss as he accidentally holds my arm, causing me to pull away and widen my eyes at the damage I've done to myself without even realising.
The scratches are rough and red, there's even blood.

"You're such an idiot. Why didn't you come down with me? I'm so stupid for leaving you." He croaks, a tear falling from his eye.
I shake my head and catch the tear.

"I'm fine now. Can we just eat the pizza and watch anime?"

"Of course! But I'll just get bandages for your arms. i prefer my pizza cold anyway."

So do I Phil. You wonderful, amazing twat that I've fallen so hard for so much so that I'm starting to sound like a teenage girl in a romance film.
Well I do have the body of a twelve year old so there a start.

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