The note.

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"Chris, touch my feet again and you will receive a kick to the face." I growl, narrowing my eyes towards the scruffy haired boy.
Phil giggles and continues playing with my hair.

I'm spread over all the three lads, my head led on Phil's chest, my middle on Pj and for some stupid reason my feet on Chris.
I must say I am extremely comfortable.
Can't say the same for Pj who has to deal with the weight of my butt, poor soul.

We're all watching High School Musical because why not?
It was Phil's choice... okay it was mine but it's a good movie!

"Okay nope, I'm moving," Pj informs and pushes my legs off him. He tugs Chris over to the other sofa leaving Phil and I with the sofa to ourselves. "Your ass was giving me a dead leg." Pj says.

Phil bursts out laughing and lifts his legs up so that he's led beneath me and I'm led over him.
Chris curls up next to Pj which makes him awkwardly move his arm around Chris.

I smile and face the telly again. It's dark now and we have the light of the TV, the fire and the fairy lights, giving off a nice homely feeling.

"Ow," Phil whimpers and holds his ribs. "Dan, can you move a little please?" He requests.
I nod and immediately shuffle off his chest slightly, my eyes pin pointed on his face that's scrunched up in pain.

"Phil?" He opens his eyes and weakly smiles, pulling me close again.

"I'm fine now. Just still sore."
I nod in understanding and kiss his neck before looking over at Chris and Pj.

They both seem to be dropping off, their eyes squinted closed in an effort to stay awake. Chris' arm slips lazily over Pj's chest and Pj rolls his head so that it rests on Chris'.
I chuckle quietly at the two. They are so platonic but don't act like it.

But then again I could be wrong? I mean look at Phil and I.
That idiot loved me when he first set eyes on me, I only know this now that I studied all the facts and missed all the signs. I was so ignorant about it though, I probably made him feel horrible sometimes, making him feel stupid for his feelings towards me. How could I have been so blind?

My attention turns back to the TV.
The singing part comes on with 'Breaking Free', making me beam towards Phil.
Not surprisingly he's also smiling down at me.
"It's our song." He whispers and I nod, leaning up and pecking his lips quickly before facing the screen.

We both mumble along to the tune until it hits the chorus and that's when we give it our all.
"We're soaring, flying. There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach, but we're trying," we both sing, Phil leans down and whispers in my ear the next part, his hand intertwined with mine.
"and we're breaking free."

Everything seems so perfect at that moment. I have Phil, I have my friends, I have my life back and I couldn't be happier.

My eyes close in content and only a few seconds after I feel Phil move, his arms wrapping around me from underneath. "Come on sleepy." He soothes softly. I'm then being carried into what I presume is his room.

It shocks me that Phil can actually carry me considering he's weaker and also shorter; okay he's older but the fact he can do that is impressive.

I'm then led on the bed, the covers draping over me and the other side of the bed sinking, revealing Phil's presence.

I'm trying to sleep, I really am, especially when Phil wraps his arms around me. But I have that nagging feeling that I need to read that letter.
I don't know why but I need to.

After ten minutes I carefully slip out of Phil's hold, standing up and heading for the door. I glance around and look in 'awe' at the adorable giant sleeping like a baby.
Oh god I've fallen hard for him.

I shake my head and continue heading into my room, running across the hallway in terror and immediately turning on my light.
I hate the dark.

The letter comes into sight upon my piano and I pick it up before sitting on the edge of my bed and opening it.

My eyes skim over the words, widening with each letter.

To Dan,

Think you're safe? Well you're not.
If you want to keep it that way I suggest you watch your back and keep a close look on your boyfriend.

Speaking of your boyfriend...

If you give us Phil Lester then we'll happily leave you alone. If not then you're both in danger.
Your choice Danny-boy.

Always in thoughts,
Friends of Rat and Toad.

I drop the letter and stare as it falls to the floor, I start shaking and tears start rising in my eyes.
I can't breathe and I start scratching at my arms again.

Why can't they just leave us alone?!
What have we ever done to them?!

We're both still in danger.
Then there's that offer, give them Phil and they leave me alone.
I couldn't do that. Never.
If it comes to it they can have me if they leave Phil alone.

I curl up on my bed, knees hugged tightly to my chest as I sob until I fall asleep.
Nightmares are sure to come tonight.


Bit of a crap chapter sorry D:

So I told you I had plans and you're going to get those fricken plans!

Also I already have a second book planned for this, so a two part series thing with a lot more 'domestic' stuff if you know what I'm hinting at...


So yeah, but that won't be for ages yet don't worry :P

I know that I haven't been updating as frequently and it's because of revision and other shiz which I could do without but meh, must be done.
Also I went to see big hero six on Phil's birthday which was awesome! It's such a good movie and I had legit tears down my face, no joke.

See ya later readers! \^_^/
*drinks invisible potion and slaps you in the face*

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