Brave little soldier.

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I wipe my eyes as I continue walking down the street, grey clouds sweeping ahead and covering the sun the was brightly shining earlier.
My head hangs low and I feel like my hearts being punched like a bag of flour. I feel empty and dead.

'We're through'

That's what Phil said. He's no longer my boyfriend.
Just after we come out as well, we break up.

I really don't know how I can fix this one.
My fingers can't help but scratch at my arms, I deserve every ounce of pain. I tried to make myself look like the good guy back their when I wasn't. If I wanted to stop Kate then I could have done something about it, hit her, kicked her, damn I could've bitten her! If I wasn't such a pathetic excuse for a human I could've stopped her.

"Dan!" I turn to my left to see Pj jump out of a van and run up to me.
He stops just a few meters in front of me before swinging forward and punching me straight in the jaw, knocking me back against the railings surrounding the park. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He exclaims. Chris runs up behind him and observes the scene.

I hold my hand up to my jaw and wince at the cut he's made.
"You heard then?" I question, struggling to support myself back up.

"Oh I didn't hear, Phil rang me and cried his poor bloody heart out, how could you hurt him like that?" Pj growls, staring at me with anger.

Chris rocks back and forth on his feet, obviously not wanting to get involved with Pj's wrath.

Tears prick my eyes again and I shake my head. "I don't know. I was weak and stupid. This girl jumped at me and I could've pushed her away but I was being pathetic, I know I've done wrong and I've lost Phil because of it." I cry, trying to wipe my tears.
Pj just scoffs and turns to the van.

"One second, we'll go soon." I see he's talking to the detectives as I spot the curly one rolling his eyes and then being told off by the other one.

Chris kneels down and weakly smiles, "Is it over? Between you two?" He questions softly. I nod and cough out more tears. "Did he kick you out?" I shake my head.
Chris nods and sucks in his lips, glancing up at Pj who is still glaring at me.

"I love him Peej. I really do and I can't stand loosing him like this because I was weak." I say quietly, looking up at him. His eyes turn slightly soft and he uncrosses his arms, letting them swing down at his sides. "If you could just help me. Just talk to him and get him to let me explain everything."

He nods with a sigh and gestures his head towards the van. "Lets go. Im sure that Phil won't be thrilled to see you back so soon, so you can come back to ours for a few hours." Pj says. I tilt my head and look between them both.

"'Ours'? You guys share a flat now?" I question, following them into the van.
Chris smiles and opens the back.

"Well I spend enough time there anyway so we thought that we'd just move in together." He explains. Pj bites his lip and smiles to himself whilst sitting down. I sit opposite them, still rubbing my jaw.

"Are you alright mate? Pj hit you pretty hard." Chris asks. I nod and touch my jaw. It's not as painful as other times.

The van drives off, leaving me to wondering whether Phil is okay back home. I wonder if he's still crying or if he's just sitting there with a blank face? I don't know what he's like I'm these situations as I've never seen him in a break up.

"This is why I don't get involved with relationships." The curly haired detective mumbles, making me look up from my lap, tears still in my eyes.
His friend just sighs and looks out the window, making curly glance to him and suck in his lips whilst giving a hard stare. Eventually he looks to the road again and focuses on getting us back to pj's place.

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