This isnt the end.

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Chris and I stare wide eyed at the two detectives sat enjoying tea like it's no big deal that they just basically broke into my house.

I step forward and scratch my chin. "W-wait, how did you even know where I live? How did you get in?" I ask, puzzled.

Davis swallows his tea and sits up. "It isn't that hard to receive your files and find your address, especially being a consulting detective." He replies, placing down his cup. "And with getting in, we found keys placed under the plant pot outside. Of course it could have been hidden somewhere else like under a mat, but considering you don't have one, a plant pot was the most obvious place." Once Davis finishes I just shake my head and sit down on the other sofa, along with Chris.

I cross my legs and yawn. I'm in need of a good rest after all of this madness and by the sounds of Chris' yawns, so does he.

"So why are you here exactly?" Chris questions. "I'm sure you're not just here to 'hang out'." He quotes.
Watson smiles and shakes his head.

"No we're not here to hang out unfortunately. It's about the case your friend were involved in." He replies. I groan and sink into the sofa.

Davis places his hands under his chin and waits for Watson to explain everything, I'm guessing. "When we took the two kidnappers in we analysed the blood on their shirts and it didn't all belong to Dan and Phil." He explains.

I furrow my brow and rub my eyes to wake myself up. "Wait, so if the blood on their shirt wasn't just from Dan and Phil, then whose blood was it's?" I ask.

Davis clears his throat and perches I the edge of the sofa. "That's not the question. The question is why is there stray blood on their shirts?" He says. "Obviously the blood is someone else's but it's not going to help us knowing the persons name."

I nod and see where he's coming from but at the same time also worry incase it's another person we know who was kidnapped or has been kidnapped.

Chris shuffles in his seat and tries to work this all out. "So, you're saying that they kidnapped other people?"

Davis nods but does it shakily. "Eh, sort of."

Watson sighs and hides his face in his hands whilst Chris widens his eyes and gesture for Davis to continue.

"Oh come on it's a little obvious." He exclaims, but we all just stare blankly at him.
He shakes his head in bewilderment, as if in total shock that we don't know.
"Look at your bland, little minds, poor things-"

"Davis," Watson warns.

"Right well the answer is that there are multiple people working on the kidnappings. It's not just those two that took your friends." He explains. I widen my eyes and sit up straight, my mind suddenly interested.

"What?" Chris asks, shock covering his features.

Davis sniffs and sits back down into the seat. "If I'm correct, and I usually am, then there's a whole team of kidnappers which isn't good news for us and your friends."

Chris stands up and runs his hands through his hair. "So what you're saying is that Dan and Phil could still be in danger?" He questions.

"God you do ask a lot of questions don't you?" Davis mumbles, rewarding him with a smack from Watson.
"That is correct, Chris. This isn't over yet." Davis gets up and heads for the door. "Don't tell your friends about their immediate danger." He instructs and points his finger at us.

Watson gets up too, followed by myself . "What?! Why?!" Chris exclaims.

"Because they've already been through a lot and the stress will probably drive them insane. Its best if we just keep them out of it unless necessary." Watson replies, making a lot more sense than Davis just did in these last few minutes.

Chris and i nod, slowly and wearily. How are we suppose to keep the secret that our friends are still in danger?
It's mad that we're even going along with this let alone every other crazy thing we've done.

These two are bonkers, but are also hard to stay away from...

I sigh and know that I'm going to regret this, before taking Chris' hand and pulling him to the front door.
Watson opens it and instead of there being a mystery machine, it's a horse and carriage.

"Are you actually trying to destroy my sanity?" Chris breathes and walks up to one of the brown horses, gazing up in shock.

"How did we not notice them when walking in?" I speak up.

"That's why your minds are basic, because you do not observe." Davis replies, tapping my nose.

"Oh please, I think I would notice a bloody horse and cart!" Chris yells, making me chuckle at how frustrated he is.

Watson pets one of the horses whilst Davis smirks. "Well Chris obviously you didn't since you were walking behind Pj as I saw out the window, and your eyes were focused on other things such as one of his body features that rhymes with thumb." Chris' face heats up and turns like a tomato, making me burst out laughing and Davis crack a smile, along with Watson.

Watson then sits in the passengers seat with Chris and I in the back and Davis apparently controlling the horses.
"I preferred the mystery machine." Chris mumbles.

"You can still be Velma." I inform, making Chris beam out the window and bite his lip.

"Do you even know how to steer these things?" Watson questions.

"Of course I do! It's an animal with four legs now hard can it be?" Davis shakes the reigns sending the horses to back up and crash into a car behind us. "Oh, wait," He tugs on them and the horses wobbly start walking forward, the wheels of the carriage scratching along a sports car.

"Oh shit, I'm going to be blamed for that." I huff.

"There we go. Easy." Davis smiles and sits up straight, the rest of us shaking our heads at him.

Looks like it's another adventure... where hopefully this time out friend doesn't end up dead, twice.

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