Mothers know best.

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"Do you have any idea how worried we were when we found out you were kidnapped and no one told us until earlier today!"

"I know, mum."

"I understand that you couldn't call us when you were actually kidnapped but what about when you were referred here? Did you not think of your family?!"

"I'm sorry mum."

"I had to drop everything and leave Adrian at home with your grandma so that I could come over here!"

"He's old enough to look after himself."

"Phillip, this is serious, look at you! My poor baby."

"I'm fine."

Phil and I continue to mumble responses to his mother and my mother.
The doctor is stood over the other side of the room, obviously not wanting to get involved with our mothers' wrath and fury.

Phil and I are sat slightly apart so that we're no longer touching.
Our family have yet to know about our new found love and considering what's happening right now, I don't think it's the best time to bring it up.
He keeps glancing over at me, slightly smirking, I hide my smile with the sleeve of my jumper whilst subtly rolling my eyes towards our angry parents.
Phil giggles which catches their attention.

"Dan, Phil!" Phil's mum scolds. We straighten up and wipe the smiles from our face.

We look up at their narrowed eyes, Phil's mum stood at the foot of Phil's feet and my mum stood at the foot of my feet.
"We are sorry, honest, but there was so much going on that we- I kind of forgot about everything else but Phil." I reply, staring up at both of the two women.
Phil's mums eyes soften slightly and a small smile etches his way onto my mums lips.

They shake it off quickly though and sigh.
"I know that you two are close and it must have been difficult for both of you, but you're only friends and we're your mothers, we're family." my mum says.
I shake my head and sit-up, disagreeing with most of the things that she just said.

"No, Phil is my family too, I have every right to worry about my best friend who I live with, I was a mess. Ask Pj and Chris!" I exclaim, crossing my arms with a scowl.
Phil smiles over at me and by the twitch of his hand I can tell that he's resisting to grab my hand.

Phil's mum scans our interaction and then suddenly face lights up with a smile. She also looks as if she's keeping in a squeal.
Phil furrows his eyebrows at her in confusion and she just widens her eyes between us.

She then turns to my mum and holds her shoulder. "They're back now and they're safe, we should stop lecturing them and just embrace that fact that they're still alive." My mum looks between us and then back at Phil's mum.

She sighs and nods. "Alright. I'm sorry." both of them then go to the sides of the bed and open their arms. Phil and I chuckle and hug back, my hand slyly slipping along Phil's back as his slips around my waist.
"Now get some rest, we'll be outside until you wake up."

As we all depart I see Phil's mum smile get even wider and that's when I realise that my hand is still over Phil's back and his is still on my waist.
I cough and remove mine, making Phil blush and also remove his.

"Alright, love you." Phil chirps with a wave to his mum and then a wave to mine.
I wave to them both and as soon as they're out the door I fall carefully onto Phil's chest.

The doctor walks over and passes Phil some tablets to take, he takes them and a glass of water, chugging them down and scrunching up his face in discust. The doctor nods with appeal before leaving us alone.

As I lay on Phil's chest, he chuckles, making my face vibrate.

His hands start running though my curls, making me hum and smiles warmly.
"Well that was interesting." I say softly.
He laughs again.

"I thought they were going to demolish us with an army of otters." He replies, I grin and snuggle more into him.
Phil let's out yawn and when I glance up he has his eyes closed.
Gently my lips move to place a kiss to his cheek, a rested sigh escapes his mouth; his long, slender fingers still playing through my hair.
"I love you Dan. My curly haired, bear cub." Once again my belly churns in the good way and the tips of my fingers turn numb.

"I love you too, Phil."
If it wasn't for the beeping of Phil's machines I would have almost forgot that we're in a hospital. Everything is just perfect. We're both getting better and we know our feelings for one another.
I just hope that it doesn't change.

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