We had fun.

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"Lion bars."


"Lion bars."


"Lions bars."

"Jesus Christ Phil how can Lion bars be better than maltesers? You have issues if you think that my friend." I exclaim. Phil chuckles into my shoulder before leaning back and keeping a fond smile apon his face.

Everything calmed down between us after our fight. We just hugged and made up before starting a game of saying our favourite things and then comparing them. As you can tell it didn't turn out good.

It's been roughly an hour and a half I'm guessing since we've been down here.
I'm still scared, but compared to what Phil was like, I can never truly be heart stopped scared by anything else again.

"We're suppose to be frightened and yet I'm sat here with a stupid smile." Phil says with a chuckle.
I smile back and cuddle on to his arm, latching around it like a baby monkey.
"Do you still remember my nickname for you? The old one?" He asks.

I try to remember but shake my head, resting my chin on his shoulder and waiting for him to tell me. "It was Bear, how could you forget that?" He laughs.

"You give me a lot of nicknames okay, i can't keep track of all of them." I reply, flicking back my curls.

"Oh yeah? Nicknames like, curly?" He smirks and pulls one of my curls. I slap his hand away and give off a pout. "Aw does my little bear cub not like being called curly?" He teases, the name bringing a flush to my cheeks.

"Shut up. You don't get the right to touch my hair." I sass, sticking out my tongue.
Phil just grins and covers his mouth as he slips out a giggle.

We then drift into a comfortable silence, the echoing drips of water leaking through the walls, wanting to make a tune but not quite pulling it off Troye Sivan style.

Speaking of home, I wonder if our parents have even noticed our disappearance? Granted Phil's mum and my grandma rings a lot so sooner or later someone will notice and then there will be a shit storm all across the internet.

"Dan, there is a chance that they might kill us after what we just did. I know you don't want to say goodbye but I do, just incase." Phil explains quietly and softly, looking down at his fingers.
A lump gets caught in my throat and my eyes already start to sting with those darn tears.

I don't want to imagine Phil being dead. I can't bare the thought of life without my AmazingPhil.
The boy who instantly improved my life from the first day we spoke, the first text that was sent. The first time we hugged and I smelt him and felt him for the first time, it was magical.
Thanks to Phil my smile has grown.
My laugh has loudened.
I've got a job.
A home.
I've got a bestfriend and a much better life.
And that's all thanks to amazingphil.
Who truly is amazing.

I sniff and he brings me into a hug, both shaking slightly now that the real fear is setting in. My fingers dig slightly into his back as I grip his jumper, desperately holding back my tears.

Phil then sniffs and pulls back, giving a weak smile and a choked laugh. "Hey, we had fun though didn't we?" He says, placing a hand on my cheek.
I nod as I lean into his touch.
"We had the philisnotonfires the super amazing project, BBC radio 1, moving in together and all those other fun times."

I look up through my wet lashes. "When we first met." I whisper and Phil's eyes light up.

"Yeah... but we may have done loads of those things and more together but do you know what I gained most out of it?" He questions, his fingers slightly caressing my cheek and wiping off tears.

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