Tick tock

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We never did find where that ringing came from, we knew it was Phil's but we couldn't find it anywhere, no matter how much we searched his pockets.

I must say we were feeling so much better after our food and sleep, along with the fact that we're both back next to eachother.

Since yesterday was Sunday, today must be Monday.
I lost track of the days until Rat told us yesterday's date. It's funny how once you're neglected from the outside world you loose track of everything.
Since we're also inside most of the time we don't even know when it's day or night.

I know when it rains cause the walls turn damp and there's a slight haze in the room. When it's frosty there's small bits of frost in the corners of the room, also it turns freezing.

I was led on Phil's chest but I moved. The reason for that is I feel discusting. My hair is greasy and my whole body is just covered in dirt and sweat, not attractive i know.
Even though Phil and I are in the same condition, I don't like him seeing me like this.
I just want to go home, eat, have a bath and then sleep. That's all I want.

Rat and Toad should be back soon. Which for once is good because after that drink I'm bursting for the toilet.

I keep thinking about how that might be a good way to escape, since we actually have to go outside and around the back of the petrol station, that's where the out house is.

I'm sure if we really tried we could escape, just hit each of them in the balls or something and then run for our lives through the forest.
It doesn't even matter that we wouldn't know where we were going, as long as we were far away from this place and them.

Looking over at Phil now, I don't know.
Without him I would just accept my fate and probably find a way of killing myself before they did, Phil is my only ray of hope and the only reason as to why I keep coming up with ideas of escaping.

It's strange but over the last few days I've been wanting to be more than just a friend to him.
I've wanted to kiss him, hug him, tell him that I love him. And it scares me.

I'm scared that I'm thinking like that.
I know I've got a crush on him but it's nothing serious, I can't love Phil, he's my friend.

"Your thinking too loud." Phil mumbles. I look up at him and he's rolled over on his side to face me. "You think too much." he smiles.

I weakly return the smile and mess with my hair, feeling self conscious about it. It's curly and greasy and I hate it.

"Dan stop worrying about your hair. You're still beautiful." he chuckles, sitting up. "Come here." Phil opens his arm.
I hesitate cause of how dirty I am, but eventually wriggle over.

Even now in his arms, I feel protected. Maybe it's because he's been taking the punishments which technically means he has been protecting me.

"I've got a plan." I say quietly.

He let's out a sigh. "What is it this time?"

"When we go for a toilet break outside, we make a run for it." I reply.
I'm being honest and saying that this isn't the worst idea I've come up with so far.

Phil pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes. "Dan, how are we meant to get away from them? They could easily run after us." he questions.

"We kick them in the balls or something, we just keep kicking them until we're sure that they'll be on the ground for a while, and then we run." I explain, hugging my knees close to my chest.

For once Phil looks like he's considering it, running through all the pros and cons of the plan through his head.
We haven't tried anything yet as we know the turn out would be brutal if we failed.

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