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You know it's strange how friends can impact your life. They can make you laugh and cry, they can make you do things that you wouldn't normally do, they can even help you fall in love.
Even though we don't always stick with the same friends throughout our life's, they still help us with the same problems and pick us up when we fall down; considering you have real friends.

Right now I don't even think I have any true friends, apart from Phil of course.
But then the doctor said that he could 'change' when he woke up. That he could not be my Phil that I was kidnapped and tortured with.

Chris and Pj haven't come back but I know that they're just outside that door, waiting for news on Phil, or me.
They're probably waiting for me to go crazy, Infact I'm waiting for me to go crazy.

I need to fix this.

Carefully I stand up, holding the wall and taking a deep breath before walking over to the door.
I can hear their muffled voices.
As I ignore my thin fingers I turn the handle, opening the door to see both of them looking up at me.

My palms are sweating and my breathing is adnormal. Chris' eyes meet mine and I let out a uneasy cough.
"Can I talk?" I question.

They share a glance before Chris nods and follows me into the room.
The door closes and I suddenly loose my footing, just as I'm about to fall Chris holds my arms and supports me again.
"Thank you." He nods and I sit down.
Chris is still standing, hands in pocket and quite obviously uneasy.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I know that you couldn't help what happened months ago and that you didn't know what was happening. I'm internally grateful that you helped look for us, even after everything."
Chris bites his lip and nods, shuffling on his feet.

"I do want you here. And Pj. I need you both more than ever, especially because... you know. You're one of my best friends Chris and I'm sorry."

The rooms silent. My feet are tapping against the floor nervously.
What if he doesn't accept my apology? I'll have no one.

"You twat." he says before engulfing me in a hug. I smile and hug back, then feeling another pair of arms around me, looking up I see it's Pj.

We all chuckle, an almost perfect moment apart from one missing person. But it's nice never the less.

"Course I forgive you, I forgave you outside I was just waiting for a soppy apology." Chris laughs. I playfully hit him and wipe my eyes that had some how started leaking tears. I've become so weak of emotions over the last few days.

"You're still a bastard though." Pj adds, making me grin.

"And a loser, as Phil would say." I reply and they both smile widely with nods.
"How about some food?"

"I'm on it!" Chris yells and runs out the room, only for a voice to shout at him and say slow down.
Pj and I shake our heads and he sits beside me on the bed. I look down at my hands and start thinking deeply again.

"He'll be alright. I can tell." Pj speaks up softly.

"I hope so," I whisper and meet his green eyes. "Cause I can't live on without him." he brings me into a hug and kisses my head.
He rubs my arm and hums a tune of some sort. I then realise it's the music that plays at the end of Phil's videos, making me smile and hug him even tighter.

"Are you two really official then?" He questions. I look to him with confusion and he's got a smirk on his face. "Earlier you said 'how is my boyfriend?' And you were referring to Phil."

I clear mr throat and shake my head. "No we're not. I guess I'm just sad that we never got a chance to make it official after our kiss that I just made it a thing." I explain. Pj nods in understanding.

That's the good thing about Pj, you can talk to him about stuff that's personal and he won't spread a word, unless it's something dangerous he will keep it secret. You could spill everything about your life to him and he wouldn't comment about it, he'd just nod.

Chris walks back in with three sandwiches and a drink. He passes Pj and mines to us and we thank him with a thumbs up.
I pretty much rip open the bag and take out the ham, salad sandwich.

I straight away take a bite and groan heavenly. I'm starving so this is just what I needed.
"Awe, hmm, argh this is so good!" I moan.

"Do you need a minute with a hospital sandwich?" Chris questions with a chuckle.
I nod and purposely take a suductive bite, making Pj smack my arm playfully.

I wink at them and nearly choke on the sandwich from laughing.
"You wanna get used to having long things in your mouth." I spit out the sandwich and start having a coughing fit.

"Chris!" Pj exclaims towards the brown, scraggy haired lad who is losing every breath in his lungs from laughing. He's holding his stomach and tears are falling whilst I'm still choking, Pj continuously patting my back.

"I. hate. you." I laugh, taking breaths between each word.
"Okay, I'm good."

Chris is still giggling like a manic and Pj is chuckling into his hands, hiding his face whilst mine turns red.

It's at this moment of which we're all laughing that I almost forgot about the situation that happened almost a week ago and all the sadness that I had been feeling.
For once I actually feel happy about something.

All laughing stops however when the door opens and doctor smith walks in.
He looks to me and smiles.
"You can go see him now."

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