Little filler.

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A few hours later and Phil is still asleep on my chest, my arms wrapped protectively around him, my thumb brushing against his pink cheeks.

Carefully I pull up his jumper, wincing at the red burns.
"Oh Phil," I sigh.

I lean my head against the wall and feel my lips start to tremble.
He won't be able to take the next punishment and I know that Toad and Rat aren't going to go easy on me after what I did.

"Dan?" Phil mumbles, his eyes opening and looking up at me. I smile weekly and release my grip on him slightly.
He stretches and then let's out a small whimper.

"Careful," I say softly. "How are you feeling?" I ask.

"A little better, that sleep did me good." He replies.
I notice he's sounding more like himself and less weak, but I know that the burns must still hurt like hell.

I keep looking towards the door, terrified that my punishment will come.
"I'm going to take the punishment." Phil suddenly says.

"No you're not. Over my dead body." I reply harshly.

"Well by the time they're done with you there will be a dead body with the name of Dan Howell." Phil isn't taking any of my shit obviously.
He won't be able to take it, is he crazy?!

Don't answer that.

"Phil you won't be able to handle it."

"who said I can't? I've only got a few burns Dan. I'm fine." I sigh and cover my face with my hands. Phil's arms then wrap around me and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm scared too Dan. I just want to get out of this horrible place. But I'm more concerned about your safety." he mumbles into my hair that's probably curly from the damp.

I furrow my eyebrows and look up at him. "Why? Why do you care more about me than yourself?"

Phil just chuckles and shake his head. "You're so blind." He then closes his eyes and rests his head on top of mine.

I continue staring at him with a confused look until my eyes also drop.

I'm just praying that Pj called the police and they're searching for us right now.
Because god damnit we need a miracle.

Tied Down.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin