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As I'm walking back to the apartment I'm pretty much mumbling a whole conversation with myself about what just happened in the store.
I mean sure Kate is nice and all but I have Phil, he makes me happy and when I started talking to Kate I just forgot about him; even worse that I called him my brother!

I'm new to all this man and man relationship, I've always considered myself straight and I've always dated girls, if I passed a boy on the street who was good looking I catch a glance but then turn away. Other males just never had that appeal to me.
That was of course before I started watching Phil.

Something about him just made me happy, I would smile and laugh when watching his videos. Not ignoring the fact that he's insanely adorable and good looking.

I had made it my goal to catch this guys attention after a few more videos and well, everyone pretty much knows the story.

Even so, I may be new to this but so is he and it's no excuse to go flirting with other girls. I should just delete her number- oh I gave it to her. shit.

Well Phil will never find out about this anyway so I have nothing to worry about, Kate probably won't even text me back.

I walk into our apartment and carry the shopping bags into the kitchen. When I enter I see Pj drinking a glass of water, his body leaning against the kitchen counter and one hand holding his head.
"Morning Peej." I say, making him jump slightly and look up through his wavy hair.

He groans and takes another gulp of the liquid. I chuckle before placing down the bags and getting some pain killers out from the drawer.
"Here," I throw the tablets at him and surprisingly he catches them.

"Thanks. Ugh, why did we decide to drink so early in the morning?" He grumbles, swallowing the pill straight away and then drinking the water - strange.

I shrug whilst putting everything in the cupboards. "Beats me. Phil and I went out and when we returned you two were pissed." My breath hitches when I see the Monster Munch. I look at it for a second before stuffing it in the cupboard in aggravation.

"Either way something's happened whilst you went to the shops," I freeze at Pj's words and clear my throat.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't pretend like you don't know. I can tell that something's up Dan, now what is it?"

Seriously is this dude phycic or what?

I turn and look to him and as I'm about to reply Phil comes around the corner in just pajama bottoms and damp hair, a towel wrapped around his shoulders.

Damn he's cute.

Phil smiles when he sees me and ruffles his hair. "Hey, you're back!" He chirps happily.
I nod and avert my gaze, I can't look him in the eye.
"Dan?" His voice suddenly sounds so small and fragile which instantly makes me glance up at him like a homing pigeon.

His head is lowered in confusion and almost fear that he's done something wrong.
I smile and hold out my arms for him which he of course walks into for a hug.
My arms wrap around his torso as I nuzzle into his shoulder, letting out a slow breath before looking up at Pj. He mouths that we need to talk later, making me roll my eyes but nod either way.
He walks out the kitchen with the glass and a tablet, probably to see Chris.

"Are you okay? Did you manage fine at the shops?" Phil questions, pulling back slightly.
I swallow thickly and just nod.

"It was fine. Erm, I'm going to lie down and take a nap alright?" I reply, rubbing my eyes.

He looks on wearily but grins never the less. "Alright sleepy head, go lie down and I'll bring you a cup of hot chocolate." He ruffles my hair making me pout and pat it back down.

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