Parks and ice creams.

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I don't know whether it's his room or just him in general but I swear I always sleep better in an environment that contains some sort of aspect of Phil. Does that make sense?
It probably doesn't.

All I know is I had the weirdest dream last night which did leave me to be a little freaked out and led me to waking up in the night.
Phil was crying. I was crying. There was shouting and then fire; I can't really remember most of it but I know that it wasn't nice.

I went straight back to sleep after it and thankfully slept well, although my thoughts did keep going back to it. Sure everyone has weird dreams that leave them feeling a little 'bleh' but I don't know, that one just felt too real and uncomfortable for my liking.

Also obviously someone forgot to close the bloody curtains because I'm being blinded by broad sunlight here!
The light burns through my eyelids waking me up and making me groan in frustration before rolling over to escape the dreaded day time.

Once I roll over my face lands on something warm, all I have to do is hear the heartbeat and know that it's Phil.
A smile makes it's way onto my face as I open my eyes slightly to see him, surprisingly, watching me.

"Morning Daniel Howell." He croaks in a deep morning voice.

Well fuck that was attractive.

I yawn, stretching out my legs which brings me the best comfort, before I collapse back over Phil's chest. "Morning, how long have you been watching me you pervert?" I question, only to notice his hair is stuck up in a perfect quiff; like can this man get anymore attractive?

"About ten minutes. Do you know that you dribble?" He informs. I widen my eyes and quickly swipe my hand across my mouth only to see that there's no dribble at all. "I'm only joking." He giggles, his tongue poking out and his face scrunching up.

I huff and roll so that I'm fully laying on top of him, making sure not to put too much pressure on his chest. "Ha, ha. Very funny Phillip Lester, I'm not the one who sleep walks."

"I haven't done that in ages." He pouts, the sunlight beaming across his cheek and illuminating his pale skin. I can't talk much though, I'm not exactly Mexican anymore.
"Dan, you didn't shut the curtains." Phil whines and moves his head, making me just laugh in amusement and almost shock.

"This is your room so you close your own damn curtains." I reply, swinging my legs like a little girl led on her tummy would.

"But theoretically we share a room now..." Phil raises a finger in a informative way, stroking between my eyebrows before poking the tip of my nose. Rude.

"The day my last name is Lester is the day that I'll close your bedroom curtains, now shut up." I snap and force a kiss on to him, pressing hard against his mouth. Phil just chuckles against my lips, making it quite difficult since i then start laughing too, until we're both a snorting mess.

We're so romantic it's unbelievable sometimes...

As I pull back my eyes shift to the time and i notice it's quarter past eleven. I need to meet Kate soon. Oh joy.

I sigh and carefully push myself off Phil and stand up, trying to figure out what to do first. Phil also sits up and tilts his head, ruining that sexy quiff that he had. Aw.

"Where are you going?" He asks in a frail voice.

"I'm just going to meet an old friend who I bumped into yesterday at the shops." I inform, crossing my fingers behind my back and forcing a smile.
Phil smiles and nods, convinced by my words. "Will you be okay here, on your own?" I ask wearily.

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