F*ck the popo

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Chris and I catch a taxi straight to the police station, both worried and scared for our friends.
They may not have even been kidnapped but everything adds up.

I know Dan and he wouldn't leave his phone at home if he went out and Phil wouldn't have left the door open.

The taxi drops us outside the station, we both equally pay before rushing in.
It's considerably empty today so we go right up to the desk.

"Excuse...me." Chris puffs. I look at him and see how out of breath he is.
He takes after Dan and Phil with not doing exercise.

The lady at the desk looks up at us, her clear lip gloss sending a glimmer of light in our eyes.
"Yes?" She asks.

"Our friends, they've been kidnapped." I say in urgency.
The sooner we start searching for them the more likely chance that they will still be... Alive.

She glances over to a clock and clicks the top of her pen. "When did they go missing?"

Chris groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh come on, can't you just help us find them?" he whines.

"So sir, because there's a limit of 24 hours. Only then is a person classified as missing." She replies.
I run my hands through my hair and glance over at Chris, who is sending me a worried look.

I place my hands on the desk and pin my eyes into hers. "Please, I know for a fact that they are missing and are not alright." I explain. "I was talking to one of them on the phone and he suddenly dropped his phone and when Chris and I went to see them, the front door was open and they were both gone."

The desk lady stays still for a second and then picks up a phone.
"Can we get officer Davis down here please, thank you."
Me and Chris breathe out in relief and she points us to sit down and wait for assistance.

"Thank you so much." Chris says and pulls me along to the chairs by my hand.
We sit down and I tap my feet on the floor nervously.
Chris places a hand on my knee and gives a reassuring smile.
"We'll get the police looking for them, Peej. I'm sure they're fine. Phil is a strong hearted lad and Dan is a brave one."

I nod and he brings me into a hug.
Someone then clears their throat and we look up to see who I presume is officer Davis and another person.

"Hi." I say, standing up and shaking their hands, Chris does the same after.

"Hello I'm office Davis and this is Doctor Watson. Now why don't you start from the beginning and then we can see about helping your friends." Officer Davis replies.
I nod and we all sit down as Chris and I start explaining what happened.

I just hope that they can really help us.

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