Lets not give up

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"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with W."


"How did you guess?"

"Because we've had the same damn thing for the last rounds."
I sign and lean back against the damp wall.
I'm not that stiff thanks to my toilet break.

Did I forget to mention that we get taken upstairs to the toilets around the back of the store to do our business?
It gives us the one bit of movement.

Phil and I are still chained apart and it's so frustrating not being near him anymore.
I'm going to be honest though, I think he's losing it a little.

That sounds,mean but I think he is.
He's mumbling to himself and snapping at me like a hormonal teenager. It's scary to say the least.
I don't want this whole thing to change us, especially Phil.

My hopes are dwindling each day for Pj or someone to find us.
It's been two more hours since Phil and I first got separated.

I've tried to come up with options to keep in touch. Eye spy for example and the word game, where we go through the alphabet saying words that go with the letters, we got bored after F.

I'm still hungry and Phil probably is too.
We're both so thin now, I can't see myself but I can see Phil and his collar bones are dominant and his face is thinner, that nice fitting jumper he had on is now super baggy over his small structure. My poor Phil.

"We're going to die." he mumbles, staring at the ground.
I look up at him and shake my head.

"No we're not, Phil. Someone will find us." I reply.

He sniffs and I know that he's crying, a few tears start rising in my eyes too. "Dan, if we don't make it-"

"Phil, don't start saying your goodbyes, don't you dare." I warn, shooting my eyes towards his. He stares back, his lips tremble and he wriggles in the chains.

"I just want to hug you. I just want a hug Dan!" He starts sobbing violently, making me feel pathetic for the fact that I can't even comfort him.
"I want to be at home, with you, back to normal. I don't want to be here." Phil carries on crying and tugging on his chains.

With this sight I also start tugging on my chains, trying to find anyway of getting over to him.

It's no use.

No matter how hard we try we can't get out.
This is when we know that we're not wanting food or water or even a shower, we're just craving for each others company and touch.
I guess if we are going to die, then I'd much rather die in Phil's arms.

"Dan, I-"

"Phil Shh, don't start." I croak, my vision blurry from the tears.
"Please don't."

"I...Dan... I..." A phone then starts ringing.

Yes you heard me a phone. One of our phones.
Well it can't be mine because I dropped it at home, so it must be Phil's.

We look at each other wide eyed and Phil starts awkwardly searching his pockets, struggling with the restraints of the chains.
"Where is it!" He exclaims and I keep glancing to the door, scared that Rat and Toad will hear the phone and hurt Phil.

The ringing then stops and we pause. "Where is it?" I whisper and he shakes his head before continuing searching.
I hear a door open upstairs and my throat gets tight.
"Phil, stop."

He hears our kidnappers and returns back into his position.
But even with Rat and Toad approaching, I still keep wondering where on Earth that ringing was coming from?

"Hello boys," Rat snickers, walking in with a leather jacket on a blood covered white vest underneath.
That's not our blood.

Toad is no where to be seen. Strange.

Rat walks over to Phil and traces behind him before undoing the chains. Phil falls forward now that he's not supported by the chains.
Rat then walks over to me and does the same.

I manage to stay supported and not soon after Phil is hugging me with all the strength he has in him and I hug back with just as much.
Something is then thrown to the floor and we look to see food and drink.

"It's Sunday, your day off." Rat explains in a low gruff. He then leaves and I've never been so happy to see a take out sandwich and a bottle of water.

Phil crawls over and brings the food over, passing me my share.
He also gets the sandwich and drink from earlier that I refused to eat.

I lean against Phil's shoulder as we tuck in, savouring every bite and resisting the urge to not just scoff it down.

We both reach for the drink and place our hands on top of one another's. Phil blushes slightly and hands me the drink.
I take a swig and he places a small kiss to my temple, sending a rush of warmth through me.

I hand him the drink and he then takes a swig. An idea then hits me and I lift Phil's jumper.
I take one of the other bottles and take my shirt off. I add water to my shirt before I start dabbing at Phil's worst burns and cuts.

He hisses and contracts his body, whimpering out quiet curses.
I hold his hand until I'm done.
"Thank you." he whispers. I put my top back on and curl up next to his chest,he runs his hand through my probably dirty hair that is making me so uncomfortable.

We drift off, both content that we've been fed and are now back together.

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