Mr tickle

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"So before I burn you alive can you explain how on earth you managed to get crammed down the side of the sofa with half of our books knocked off the shelf?" I question, shooting arrows with my eyes towards Chris who with the help of Phil and Pj managed to get up.

He nervously laughs and scratches his arm. "I was climbing to the top of the shelf so that I could canon ball on to the sofa... Pj's idea." Chris explains.
I widen my eyes and try to keep down the boiling rage I have inside me.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask, my hand outstretched in a 'wtf' manor and my faces expressions helping along with that look.

Pj steps forward from picking up the books. "Sorry Dan, sorry Phil."

Phil just shakes his head with a small smile, making me want to hit him for being such a nice little cupcake all the time. But it's because he's such a nice cupcake that I refrain from hitting him.

I sit down at the dining table and watch as Phil heads into the kitchen and Chris along with Pj start placing the books back.
Now I'm a very strict person when it comes to OCD. Everything much have a place and be equal, which is difficult to accomplish when living with Phil since he couldn't give two shits about whether a mirror is straight or the fruit in the fruit bowl isn't facing the correct way. Yes, I am that bad.

"Make sure those are in alphabetical order." I instruct to the two lads who seem to be placing the books where ever they so please.
Phil laughs from the kitchen which makes me pout. "Shut up Lester."

"Nice hair Dan." Chris says. I stand up and look to the mirror, nearly gasping when realising I hadn't straightened my hair because Phil told me not to and we weren't expecting company.
Him and Pj chuckle at my face, immediately I rush to my bedroom.

I turn the straighteners on and wait patiently on my bed.
Only Phil then walks in with his brow furrowed. "Oh no, you said you wouldn't straighten your hair!" He exclaims and turns them off.

I scowl at him and turn them back on again. "We have people over Phil. I'm not having wavy hair with people over." I reply.

He turns them off again and steps forward so we're pretty much chest to chest. "They're just Chris and Pj, they've seen you with it before when we went on holiday with them!" He huffs.

"Well I don't want them to see it now," I switch them on again.
Phil sticks out his tongue before bending down and switching the plug off by the socket, standing up with a proud smirk on his face.
"You asshole." I growl.

Within one second I leap at him so that he falls back on to the bed, a squeal escaping his mouth as he falls.
I wriggle myself so that I've got my legs over his waist and arms beside his ribs.
"You're going to wish you never messed with the Daninator!" I exclaim with a smile.

Phil widens his eyes as I begin poking his ribs, every poke making him twitch and giggle, his tongue poking out from his lips and tears falling from his eyes.

"S-stop Dan, p-please!" He laughs, his legs thrashing beneath my weight.

"Say I can straighten my hair!" I yell, tickling down by his hips now.

"N-never- ah stop, I-I'm going to d-die!"
My cheeks are hurting from how hard I'm laughing. This is too funny.

"You've already done that now surrender!" Phil widens his eyes at my words and I immediately stop tickling him. Crap, I shouldn't have said that.

He raises a hand, I get off him and he stands up, facing the wall with his hands covering his face.
What have I done.

"Phil I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I'm begging for him to forgive me, real tears starting to build in my eyes.

"You always take things too far," He mumbles. I lower my head and fiddle with my fingers. "That's why you're so ignorant."
His words hit me like a hammer to the face. Am I really that ignorant?

"And it's because you're ignorant that you can't tell when I'm faking being upset." I raise my head and he's smiling down at me, red faced but happy.

"Wait did you just...?" I ask and he nods. "You utter twat! I was terrified that I actually got you upset!" I exclaim, crossing my arms and standing up.

He giggles and steps towards me, placing his hands on my hips. "That's what you get for tickling me."

"I hate you." I whine and wrap my arms around his neck. Our noses bump together, making us both smile, each others lips skimming and warm breath meeting.

"Well, I hate you too." He tugs me forward by my hips so that our lips meet and mould in a magical swirl of love and lust.
My fingers swim through his hair as his hands travel up my sides, making me shiver.

To get him back for scaring me I nip his bottom lip, making him flinch slightly. "Ow." He mumbles against my lips.
I chuckle and start to deepen the kiss, only for a cleared throat to interrupt us.

We pull back and turn to find Chris and Pj stood in the door way, faces red yet also amused by the scene.
I feel my cheeks heat up and I hide behind Phil.
I totally forgot they were even here. Oops.

"Erm, sorry to interrupt but it's been like twenty minutes since you disappeared in here." Pj informs with a stupid smile on his face.

Phil clears his throat and nods. "Sorry, we'll be in soon, just turn on the telly and we shouldn't be long." He replies. I chuckle into his shoulder, avoiding eye contact from anyone cause although this is highly embarrassing it's also pretty funny watching Phil trying to act cool.

The two lads nod before heading into the living room.
Once they're out I burst out laughing along with Phil, both leaning against each other for support and holding our stomachs.

"Did you see their faces?!" I laugh, snorting and giggling in a high pitched way.

Phil starts coughing from how hard he's laughing, which I fix by patting his back whilst still chuckling.
"That was so embarrassing." He croaks.

"I wish I took a picture of that moment," I sigh with a shake of my head.
We share warm smiles only for the buzzer down stairs to snap us out of it.
"I'll get it." I say.

"You sure?" Phil questions.
I gulp and shake a little but nod my head. "Okay, I'll be in the living room with the troublesome twosome."

As Phil goes to Chris and Peej I walk down the stairs and to the front door. I sing 'sugar we're going down' to myself to make me feel happier and less frightened.
It seems to work and I'm soon at the bottom.

I relax more when seeing it's only post. It's also addressed to me.

As I trod up the stairs again I start opening it, only to squint my eyes in confusion at the weird pattern inside.
It's black with stained coffee over the paper, the words written out in ink.

Just as I'm about to read it Pj calls from the living room, soon followed by Chris and then Phil and then all of them singing my name as if they're in a choir.

I place the letter on top of my piano in my room before heading to the three lads. I'll have to read that later.

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