Sick joke.

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I wake up startled to my head hitting a hard surface, a small whine escaping my lips as the newly formed bruise pulsates into my brain. I look around and find myself alone in the van.

Where's Phil?

The van isn't moving anymore so we've stopped. What if they've taken him out to kill him?!
No. Not my Phil.
I can't loose my Phil.

"Dan!" My eyes widen at Phil's voice, I scrabble to the van door and start pushing my body against it. I even start kicking it violently just desperately trying to get to his calling tone.

It then opens and I fall out. My free arm flies forward to try and stop the impact from hurting as much. I fall onto my arm and let out a small squeak of pain.
A shadow blankets my form and looking up I see it's one of the men.

"Get up." He instructs. I stay still, looking into his eyes.
He gets out a gun, pointing it at my head. "I said get up, boy."

Slowly and painfully I push myself up, immediately then searching for Phil. "Wheres my friend?" I shakily ask. My lips are trembling as he pushes me on towards an old looking gas station.

I feel my arm and sigh in relief, it's not broken just bruised I think.

The bloke chuckles and undoes the rope around my hand as we enter the building. "Don't worry your boyfriend is still alive. He just woke up first so we brought him in and explained why you're both here." He replies, leading us to a room out back.

"He's not my boyfriend." i mumble. He doesn't seem to hear me and continues to open the door.

I look around the gas shop and see it's full of food and drink, but I take note of the lack of cigarettes and alcohol, no guessing where they are.

As the door opens I'm met with a horrible sight.

Phil's led on the floor with cuts on his face and a black eye, he's not crying though, he's just glaring up at the man beside him. The man standing above him with blonde hair, looks down at him with a smirk.

"What did you do to him?!" I exclaim, running over to Phil's side.
He coughs a little before sitting up against the wall, tears now forming in his eyes.
"Phil, look at me," I say softly. He looks up as I inspect the injuries. "You monsters."

"Oh shut it you. We'll leave you to get settled in and Phillip here can explain this whole situation." the bloke with black hair states. They walk out, slamming and locking the door with a slight click.

"Phil what's going on?" I question.

He wipes the blood from his lip and clears his throat. "It's all a game. They're gonna torture us but make us choose between us on who should get the punishment. It's a sick game."

It takes a while to absorb this information. I go into a sort of shocked state, my hands stiffen their movements and I don't know what to do with myself.
Phil hugs me and I shuffle into his grasp. It's then that I remember Pj.
"Before we got kidnapped I was on the phone to Peej, he might have alerted the authorities." I say softly.

Phil nods and gently glazes his hand over his eye, flinching in pain as it runs over a cut. It starts bleeding and I turn to face him. "Here," i lick a bit of my shirt before dabbing at the blood.
It's quiet in the room. No sound apart from our breathing and the occasional rattles from outside. There's also little light, only a small, pale balb.
It's damp and cold. Phil has a jumper but I just have a shirt.
At least he's warm.

After wiping the blood from the cut I wrap my arms around myself, a small chatter escaping from my lips along with a whimper from how cold it is.

"Are you cold?" Phil questions with concern.
I shake my head and weakly smile.

If I tell the truth he'll give me his jumper.

"I'm fine." He frowns and opens his arms, I shuffle as close as I can into his chest, absorbing his body heat.
"Are you okay?" I whisper, looking up at Phil who rests his head back against the wall.

"I'm fine."

We start to drift off until the door swings open, making Phil and I sit up in fright.

"Let the game begin." One of the men says with a smirk.

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