Still pretty calm...

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All of the police officers at the police stations eyes are on us as Davis pulls the horse and cart into the car park.

Watson sinks into his seat and shakes his head. I do feel sorry for the things he must have to go through, but I'm sure he secretly loves it.

One officer walks over with grey hair and a black jacket on. He breathes out at the sight of Davis. "Want to explain to horses?" He questions.
Davis hops down and clears his throat, gesturing us to follow.

"Ah Greg, my favourite person..." David replies, forcing a smile.

The officer who I presume is 'Greg' glances towards Chris and I, raising an eyebrow.
Chris waves and wriggles his eyebrows back suggestively, making me chuckle and playfully smack him.

The officer sends his attention back to Davis who is still giving him puppy dog eyes. "Stop creeping, what do you need?" The officer asks, shoving his hands into his pocket.

Davis looks taken back and leans against Watson. "I am not creeping! I'm in shock that you would insinuate such a thing, I need a blanket."


"Okay I need your van." Davis requests, standing up straight again and smiling slightly towards Watson who chuckles.

"What's wrong with your van?" Greg questions.

"Davis decorated it to be the mystery machine and now he doesn't like it." Watson explains, Chris and I nodding in agreement. "I would just let us use it to be honest."

"You do remember what happened last time when we let him borrow Andrews car? He drove it off a bridge and into the river for Christ sake and then blamed it on wind!" The officer exclaims.

"I did that once," Chris speaks up, making all eyes turn to him. "Erm, apart from it was my bike and I fell in a pond instead. Also I was six."
I bite my lip to stop me from laughing and hide my face into my hands.

The officer clears his throat and crosses his arms.
Chris' face turns bright red and he hides in my shoulder, making me giggle and snort like a piglet.

"Fine. Take it. But if it receives one scratch then I swear you will be extinct of being a consulting detective." The officer huffs and throws Watson the keys which Davis intercepts and catches with a grin.

"Perfect. Let's go."

We jog behind him as he strides to a black van that looks like it costs more than my whole university fund.

Chris and I are once again in the back seats, strapped in and ready to go.
"Are you sure we shouldn't warn Dan and Phil?" I ask, leaning forwards with concern.

Watson nods. "It's for the best. Unless it's vital then we don't tell them."

The van the jerks forward making me smack my forehead against Watsons seat and let out a groan. "Davis!"

"Davis!" Officer Greg yells and jogs over.
Davis smirks at Watson, making him widen his eyes and brace himself which I take as a sign to also do. I throw my arm across Chris just before Davis steps on the pedal, making the van speed forward and into the road.

"Fuck Dan and Phil, by the time we're done with this it will be us that's dead from his shit driving!" Chris exclaims, his eyes widened. Davis cocks his head a little towards Chris and huffs before turning back to the road.
We turn a sharp corner and Chris grabs my hand, squeezing it for dear life.

I notice that he's genuinely scared, so lean forward and tap Watsons shoulder.
"Can you tell him to slow down? Chris is scared." I request.
Watson glances to our hands and smiles with a nod before leaning over to Davis and whispering into his ear.
Davis stares at him for a second but then slows, making Watson grin at him.
"Thanks." I whisper.

Chris releases his grip on me and yawns.
I notice that it is actually dark outside and I do need to sleep.

"You two can shut your eyes if you like." Watson tells us.

"You're an angel!" Chris exclaims and lays down on the seats, curling up into a fetus position.

I laugh and nod gratefully. "What about you guys?"

"Sleep is boring." Davis replies and Watson just points to him as if saying he needs to watch him. I nod and curl beside Chris, shutting my eyes and preparing for a mad adventure to protect my friends.
You don't say that every day now do you?


This is only a short update since it's quite late and I wanted to get Pj and Chris' part out the way so I can focus on Dan and Phil for now.
Literally I sit in school revising for exams and think of the things for next chapters. #rebel

2 KOOL 4 u BRUH.

I'm joking.

Also If you guys have any ideas for interesting things that could happen, but won't edit the main story line too much then just lemme know and I'll try to include it ^_^

Peace out! - Never saying that again-

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