Chapter 15- It's Time

Start from the beginning

Ravenclaw Boy POV

"Shit" sprinting as fast as I could out of the hospital ward. I'm not ready for this. It was Regan's friend again. She's almost caught me multiple times but never seen me, I made sure of that. Why did you have to catch me tonight? I was just about to put her bracelet on her wrist and this would all be over. It's not how I wanted to give it back but I need to be rid of this weight over me. I just want to go back to my normal life around Hogwarts no matter how miserable it was. The guilt wasn't so bad when she was just 'That Gryffindor Girl' but since they announced her name in the Great Hall as one of the unlucky one, it's been eating me alive.

Almost to the Ravenclaw tower, just a few more corridors. Smash! I'd ran straight into someone knocking us both on the floor.
"Taehyung what are you doing?"
"Cedric! Thank god, thought you was one of the teachers." I helped him off the floor and dusted his shoulders off.
"What are you doing running round the halls this late at night? Are you running from those 6th year students again?" We started making our way to the Ravenclaw tower.
"Not at this particular moment but yes I'm still avoiding them as well as a few other people... A girl actually."  Cedric burst out laughing.
"Not like you to be running from a girl... speaking of girls, I met someone in the library. Not under the best circumstances but I'd like to see her again." I stopped us both and looked at Cedric a little shocked. Not once since I've know him has he ever mentioned a specific girl let alone liking one enough to see them again.
"Seriously! Wow Cedric she must be something special if she's caught your eye. Just don't become a bad boy, that's my job." I may of said that jokingly but I meant it.  Cedric was one of the good guys and I could of been like him but a craving for mischief and being around the wrong people have made me the way I am.
"So who's the girl you was running from?" Cedric asked and my heart sank. If anyone could give me advise it would be him. He's always helped me though everything, even if he gets in trouble too.

"Ah yeah.. It's um.. a bit of a difficult situation. And before I start it's not a relationship thing and the girl I've got a problem with wasn't the one chasing me, that was her friend... right I caught this girl sneaking out of Snapes class room and she had taken something. So, I asked her to give me her bracelet as payment for keeping quiet." Cedric looked at me disappointedly.
If he's this disappointed with just hearing that can I really tell him what's happened?
I take a shaky breath before continuing "she gave it to me and I bumped into her a few days ago. She was really upset about what happened with the bracelet situation. I think she was just being over dramatic but I agreed to give the bracelet back. I arranged to meet her and give it back but something went very very wrong." This was the part that hurt. "Before I could meet her I saw professor McGonagall and a few hospital staff carry her to the hospital wing... she'd been petrified."

Cedric POV

It clicked in my head the second he said it. It was Regan, Lindsey's childhood friend. She was broken by what happened to Regan. She had no idea why her friend was in the astronomy tower that night. I can't believe it was because of Taehyung. He's always been a trouble maker but nothing like this.
"Did the girl chasing you have black and Redish hair?" I said it so low that I was surprised Taehyung heard me.
"Yeah she did. A Gryffindor student. Do you know her?" Worry could be heard in his voice.
But that conforms it. He's the reason Lindsey's friend is in the hospital. He's the reason Lindsey is so broken. All of this could of been avoided if he could just resist the temptation for once in his life.
"Tae the girl who was chasing you was the girl I met in the library. Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused? Just for a stupid bracelet!" I couldn't hide my anger.

Taehyung eyes went wide, he looked scared.
When we went into the forbidden Forest and got chased by a group of trolls, he wasn't scared. When he got caught steeling from one of the elf's at Gringotts. He wasn't scared. (But I was, If my father and I weren't there that day god know what would of happened to him.) Or even last summer when the 6th year students (the ones he's currently avoiding) beat him black and blue in an alleyway for calling the leader of the groups mum a Whore, he wasn't scared. But right now standing In front of me he looked truly terrified. I can't stand by him, I can't help him clean his wounds or fix's his problems this time. I'm done.
"You better pray that poor girl wakes up. Because if she doesn't not only will you lose me but you'll have to live with that for the rest of your life. You knew there was attacks going on and you still made her go though the castle alone! Fix's this one on your own." I couldn't bare to look at him for a second longer, I headed to the Hufflepuff common room as fast as I could. I felt sick. Should I tell Lindsey about what happened to Regan that night? I sighed deeply. I can't she might think I was hiding it from her or worse she thinks I was part of it. I hope Taehyung can fix this by himself, I can't risk helping him this time.

So we finally find out who this mystery boy is.
Cedric admits there is potential feelings
Ron, Harry and Lindsey are heading down into the chamber...

Thanks to ReegsN1234 for writing Taehyung and Cedric POV

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