|55. Lost for now|

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My eyes were crusted shut thanks to dried tears. The sour flavor on my dry tongue tasted wretched, and my stomach cramped for a meal.

As I slowly sat up I realized I was laying in Harry's bed. The slight crack in the curtains allowed a small sliver of sun to peak though at me. I got up and waltzed over to yank them back. On the other side of the glass was Harry's property stocked heavily with security.

Unfortunately, being upset with him for forever isnt an option. He's essentially my protector now, and a part of me still cares for my own life. Not because of myself, but for the ones around me that were worried sick over my whereabouts.

A faint knock at the bedroom door startled me out of my thoughts. I timidly approached the door and opened it up slowly to see a guard.

He had a familiar pair of devices in his possession. My laptop and phone were in his hold, two items I didn't think I'd see again so soon.

"Good morning Ms. Moore. Mr. styles needs you to contact some relatives. These are for you," he handed over my devices first.

"And this. We'll be here if you need anything," he politely reminded as he handed me a folded sheet of copy paper.

When he closed the door behind himself I stood dumbfounded in place. He left me with the perfect opportunity to make a call to anyone I had in mind now.

But Harry knows I'm not stupid, and sadly he is correct.

I trust that you'll do as asked. I only want the best for you and your family. Don't do anything you'll regret. I love you, and will see you later when I return from work.

I crinkled my nose in disgust before rolling my eyes and crumbling up the note. A scoff rolled off of my tongue as I tossed it carelessly towards the ground. I kept trying to convince myself that maybe if I acted cold towards Harry then my emotions would match, but unfortunately that wasn't the case, and I love the bastard more than I want to..

Harry not only granted me my devices, but apparently everything else in my dorm room. The beeping sound of a moving truck out front caught my attention, and I easily recognized the distinct furniture being moved in.

After a long steamy shower, freshly brushed teeth, and a hot meal, I came to my senses and  decided to assure everyone that I was okay.

I shakily dialed liz' number first as I sat on the edge of his bed. I knew calling her before my parents wasn't right, but the coward in me wouldn't allow myself to call them just yet.

"Do you know how close I was to putting out a missing persons on you?!" Liz screamed from the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry Liz. I didn't know Harry would be surprising me with this trip," I apologized while rubbing my forehead.

"You couldn't send me a quick text? Do you know how long Two days is when your best friend just disappears?! And where is all of your stuff? Don't tell me you moved out...I thought we'd do this together liyah.."

I got that sinking feeling in my stomach as my heart did arrhythmic beats. For once I begged the numbness of pain to take over to prevent me from crying.

"I wanted to completely focus on repairing us Liz. I'm sorry you had to worry about me babe."

I ignored her question about my stuff being gone. Telling my only and closest friend that I left her with out a goodbye isn't necessarily easy.

"But why is your stuff gone.."she (as expected) repeated.

If I could plug my eye sockets I would. I was tired of shedding tear after tear. It only got more exhausting each time, but also the only thing that made sense because it was a normal thing.

"I live with Harry now..." I somehow choked out.

Deafening silence that followed me every where I went fell over the line. Then a few seconds later I could physically hear the damage my words had done. Liz became a sniffling mess as her heavy breathing cracked.

"G-goodbye, Aliyah."

"Liz Wait!" the taunting ring of the dead line is all I got in return.

"Fuck!" I yelled while angrily chucking my phone across the room. The shattering sound of the device followed shortly after.

Thanks to Harry, not only did I lose a normal life, but the people in it that made it normal. If Liz couldn't accept the news, my parents sure as hell wouldn't, and they weren't going to receive a call from me any time soon since I just shattered my only phone.

I hugged myself for at least an hour while asking God over and over 'why me?', until My body began shuddering with anger.

Everything in Harry's life is new to me, and I was already handling it horribly. My mind simply refused to face the truth that someone so angelic looking came with a lot of baggage.

The hands of a murderer have touched my entire body, and there is no amount of therapy in the world that could erase that thought from my mind.

I took deep breaths to ease my racing heart and mind. The veins in my body pulsed with animosity towards Harry and myself.

No human is perfect, but there are some things that just can't be forgiven. And shouldn't be.

Just wanted to address some things about the last chapter:

1- I just want to remind everyone that this book is FICTIONAL. And that our sweet Angel Harry WOULD NEVER and COULD NEVER do anything like that.

2- unfortunately though- sex trafficking is not fictional- and very much real. I just want to remind you all to stay safe and aware of your surroundings when out. And to report any forms you may see of it. Sadly it's a huge apart of the world we live in now and my heart breaks for every person lost in that wicked system.

P.s- (Literally have to like dehumanize my brain to write some of these chapters)

But as always I love you all<3.

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