|8. Orders|

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It's been a week.
A week since I got the job.
A week since the events with Mr. Styles.
A week since I told my mom, and a week of complete chaos.

Liz was thriving with her job that she's had in this short amount of time. I on the other hand did far from that. Mr. Styles had barely acknowledged me at work. Let alone all the hard work I've been doing for him. I didn't know what it could be, but I felt like I needed more of the attention he gave me the previous week.

Even though he damn near killed me on my first day, the psycho bitch in me would rather have that than being ignored. Especially when I do so much for him. My body just craved those tense encounters that made the area between my thighs swell with heat.

My sanity continued to slip out of grasp as the days went by..

I didn't have many sexual experiences besides kissing and oral, so why did I suddenly want this man to ravish me? For him to strip me of all the innocence I had left?! It wasn't making any sense, and there's no doubt that I'm thinking with the wrong parts of my body.

Even despite being upset with my mom, I had to call her. I needed to hear her voice because it always made me feel at home. So I grabbed my laptop and began the facetime call.

After a couple of rings she picked up. I smiled but then screamed when my dad popped into the camera.

"Oh my gosh hey dad!" I yelled, accidentally not acknowledging my mother.

I rarely got to talk to my dad since he was always busy with work. I never know where he's at in the world, making it hard to just call him whenever I want to unless he's with my mom. Most of the time he's in another country or state watching over his businesses though.

"Well hi to you too sweet heart," my mom interrupted, fake offended. I apologized briefly before turning my attention back to my dad.

"Hey honey," My dad smiled.

"How's your job? Styles sent me some very good reports on you." My stomach fluttered.

Mr. Styles? Saying something good about me? Please, as if.

I smiled as I rolled of my eyes. "Yeah right, that man hates my guts," I chuckled to try and lighten my tone.

"No he doesn't sweetie. He's just been like that since his late teen years when your father and I first met him," My mom reassured.

"I guess. It's just so hard working for him. It seems like no matter how many times I do something it's still not good enough."

"Everyone has to start somewhere baby," my dad reminded as he stepped back into the camera.

Two glasses of deep burgundy wine were in his hands. He gave my mom the matching glass as they took a sip in unison. They were token gifts from when they got married. Something that made my heart warm because I too hoped to be like my parents one day.

But at this rate love was never going to find me.

"I know dad, it's just-"

"Unh unh-no more. You get back to that job and keep showing him everyday why you deserve to be there."

I sighed in defeat. My mom silently sipped her wine in agreement with my father. I realized that I didn't have the guts to tell them I'd be quitting as soon as I'm done with the assignment. So I plastered a cozy smile and wrapped the call up.

"Thanks mom, and especially you dad, I love you guys!" We exchanged 'I love you's' and bid goodbyes.

The call ended and I slumped into the sheets. The next couple of months were going to be far from easy. My mind wasn't in the right place at all and confusion seemed to take over a lot.

Getting out of bed I decided to apply a relaxing face mask before going to sleep. Work was going to hit me like a stack of bricks tomorrow, and school thrown on top of that wasn't helping.

While applying the rejuvenating substance to my skin I scrunched my nose up at the smell. The black paste took over the surface of my face one area at a time until it was no longer visible. I grabbed my phone and played some music to drown out the room's deafening silence. It drove me crazy that I could hear my own pulse.

Liz was out with her fuck buddy which I totally guilted her for. Especially on a Sunday, but she was having fun so I let her be.

While humming to the tune of the song an incoming call cut off my God awful singing. In frustration I plucked my phone from the sheets. My eyes read across the screen to see a 'no caller ID' number this time, so I assumed it was Mr. Styles.

With shaky fingers I cleared my throat and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I could feel the hint of attitude in my voice but cleared my throat to play it off.

"When I call you are to pick up- immediately," his harsh voice rasped. I childishly mocked him in silence. It already felt like he was in front of me now, talking down on me as if I were his pet.

Maybe you are...

"Yes sir," my anger stopped me from stuttering.

"I have a meeting tomorrow morning at eight. It's a breakfast as well. I need you to make sure all the food, and everything else is there on time. The catering company will do it's part on their own, but I need you to grab the extras. Like fruit, coffee, plates, you know. Anyways, I emailed you everything needed. Have it ready by 7:30."

My heart sank to my ass as I squeezed eyes shut, already tired at the thought. I began wondering what type of catering company Harry could've contacted that didn't include that already. Though how could I be surprised? Anything to make my life harder seemed good with him.

"Is that understood, Aliyah?" He barked with dominance,

Despite me being incredibly upset with the man on the phone with me, his words were as clear as day.

"Yes sir," I said firmly. Just ready for him to hang up.

"Good, oh, and do you want to know something, Aliyah?" From his tone I could already tell he was smirking.

"What is it, Mr. Styles?" Nothing but uninterest in my voice.

"Sleeping naked helps reduce some of that stress you're feeling. I can hear it in your voice darling," His words were full of mischief. My mouth fell open as he took all air out of my lungs in a matter of seconds.

"Get some rest Aliyah. You have a busy day tomorrow," and that was his final sentence.

I knew it was going to be hard trying to sleep after that.

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